Psychotherapy is the use of psychological methods, especially when based on ordinary personal interactions, to help a person change behavior and solve problems in the desired way. Psychotherapy aims to improve individual health and mental health, to solve or reduce troublesome behavior, beliefs, compulsions, thoughts, or emotions, and to improve relationships and social skills. Certain psychotherapy is considered evidence-based to treat some of the diagnosed mental disorders. Others have been criticized as pseudoscience.
There are more than a thousand different psychotherapy techniques, some of which are small variations, while others are based on very different concepts of psychology, ethics (or way of life) or techniques. Most involve one-to-one sessions, between clients and therapists, but some are done with groups, including families. Psychotherapists may be mental health professionals such as psychiatrists, psychologists, clinical social workers, marriage and family therapists, or professional counselors. Psychotherapists may also come from a variety of other backgrounds, and depending on jurisdiction can be legally regulated, regulated voluntarily or unregulated (and the term itself can be protected or not).
Video Psychotherapy
The term psychotherapy is derived from Ancient Greek psyche (means "breath, spirit, soul") and therapeia (???? ??? "healing, medical care"). The Oxford English Dictionary defines it now as "The treatment of mind or personality disorders by psychological methods..."
The American Psychological Association adopted a resolution on the effectiveness of psychotherapy in 2012 based on a definition developed by John C. Norcross: "Psychotherapy is an informed and deliberate application of clinical methods and interpersonal attitudes derived from established psychological principles for the purpose of helping people to change behavior them, cognition, emotions, and/or other personal characteristics in the expected direction of the participants ". The influential editions of a work by psychiatrist Jerome Frank define psychotherapy as a healing relation using socially authoritative methods in a series of contacts that mainly involve words, actions and rituals - which are considered forms of persuasion and rhetoric.
Some of the definitions of counseling overlap with psychotherapy (especially in non-directive client-centered approaches), or counseling may refer to guidelines for everyday problems in a particular area, usually for shorter periods with less medical or professional focus '. Somatotherapy refers to the use of physical changes as injury and disease, and sociotherapy for the use of one's social environment to influence therapeutic changes. Psychotherapy may address spirituality as an important part of a person's mental/psychological life, and some forms come from spiritual philosophy, but practices based on spiritual treating as separate dimensions are not always considered traditional or 'legitimate' forms of psychotherapy.
Historically, psychotherapy sometimes means "interpretative" (ie Freudian) methods, namely psychoanalysis, in contrast to other methods of treating psychiatric disorders such as behavior modification.
Psychotherapy is often dubbed "speech therapy", especially for the general public, although not all forms of psychotherapy depend on verbal communication. Children or adults who are not involved in verbal communication (or not in the normal way) are not excluded from psychotherapy; indeed some types are designed for such cases.
Maps Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy can be given directly (one on one, or with a partner, or in a group), by telephone, through telephone counseling, or via the internet.
It has not been determined whether the effectiveness of psychotherapy provided online, through video chats for example, is comparable to those delivered in face-to-face meetings: Clearly, consistent trends of inadequate empirical research on the efficacy of online therapy - Australian Counseling Association.
The Victorian Government Health Agency has provided no mental health applications with a score of more than 3 stars out of 5 for effectiveness. One reason is that the online Cognitive Behavior Therapy program has poor "compliance" compared to face-to-face programs. That means that many users do not "stick to" the program as specified. They can uninstall the app or skip the day, for example.
Duration of care
Experts point out that those who have had two episodes of depression in recent years, or three episodes during their lifetime, should be treated on an ongoing basis to prevent recurrent depression: At least 60% of people who have had one episode of depression will have another.70 % of individuals who have two episodes of depression will have a third, and 90% of individuals with three episodes will have a fourth episode. - American Psychological Association.
Psychotherapists are traditionally possible: mental health professionals such as psychologists and psychiatrists; professionals from other backgrounds (family therapists, social workers, nurses, etc.) who have been trained in certain psychotherapies; or (in some cases) academically or scientifically trained professionals. Psychiatrists are first trained as doctors, and - thus - they may prescribe prescription drugs; and specialist psychiatrist training begins after medical school in a psychiatric residency: but their specialty is a mental disorder or a form of mental illness. Clinical psychologists have a specialist doctorate in psychology with several clinical and research components. Other clinical practitioners, social workers, mental health counselors, pastoral counselors, and nurses with specialization in mental health, also often do psychotherapy. Many of the various psychotherapy training programs and institutional arrangements are multi-professional. In most countries, psychotherapy training is all at the graduate level, often at the master (or doctoral) level, over a 4-year period, with very strict supervision and clinical placement practices. Professionals such as performing specialized psychotherapy jobs also require continuing professional education programs after basic professional training.
There is a comprehensive list of 2013 professional competencies from European psychotherapists, developed by the European Association of Psychotherapy (EAP).
Because sensitive and in-depth personal topics are often discussed during psychotherapy, therapists are expected, and usually legally bound, to respect the confidentiality of clients or patients. The importance of client confidentiality - and the limited circumstances in which it may need to be broken to protect clients or others - is enshrined in the rules regulatory practice of the psychotherapy of regulatory organizations. Examples where usually accepted to solve confidentiality include when the therapist has knowledge that a child or elder is being physically abused; when there is a direct, clear and immediate threat of serious physical harm to a particular individual or individual.
By 2015, there is still a lot of variation between different European countries on regulation and delivery of psychotherapy. Some countries have no rules of practice, or no title protection. Some have voluntary registration systems, with independent professional organizations. While other countries are trying to limit the practice of psychotherapy to 'mental health professionals' (psychologists and psychiatrists) with state certified training. Protected titles also vary. The European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP) established the 1990 Strasbourg Declaration on Psychotherapy, dedicated to building an independent psychotherapy profession in Europe, with pan-European standards. EAP has made significant contact with EU & amp; The European Commission is heading towards this goal.
Given that the EU has a major policy on free labor movement in Europe, European legislation can override national regulations that, in essence, are a form of restrictive practice.
In Germany, the practice of psychotherapy for adults is limited to qualified psychologists and doctors (including psychiatrists) who have completed several years of specialized practice training and certification in psychotherapy. Like psychoanalysis, psychodynamic therapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy meet the requirements of German health insurance companies, mental health professionals regularly choose one of these three specialties in their postgraduate training. For psychologists, this includes three years of full-time practical training (4,200 hours), including a year-long internship at an accredited psychiatric institution, six months of clinical work in an outpatient facility, 600 hours of supervised psychotherapy in an outpatient setting, and at least 600 seminar hours theoretical. Social workers can complete specialist training for child and youth clients. Similarly in Italy, the practice of psychotherapy is limited to graduates in psychology or medicine who have completed four years of recognized specialist training. Sweden has similar restrictions on the title of "psychotherapist", which can only be used by professionals who have undergone post-graduate training in psychotherapy and then applied for licenses, issued by the National Health and Welfare Council.
Legislation in France limits the use of the title "psychotherapist" to professionals in the National Psychotherapy List, which requires training in clinical psychopathology and an internship period only open to doctors or titulars of a master's degree in psychology or psychoanalysis.
Austria and Switzerland (2011) have laws that recognize multi-disciplinary functional approaches.
In the UK, the "state-approved" list for psychotherapists and counselors is voluntary. National registers for psychotherapists and counselors are maintained by three main umbrella bodies: the British Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP), the British Association of Counseling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and the British Psychoanalytic Council (BCP). There are many smaller professional bodies and associations such as the Association of Child Psychotherapists (ACP) and the British Psychotherapy Foundation (formerly the British Association of Psychotherapists). The Government and the Council of Health and Nursing Professions deem mandatory enrollment but decide that it is best left to professional bodies to regulate themselves, so that the PSA is launching an Accredited Voluntary Apparatus scheme.
United States
In some states, counselors or therapists must be licensed to use certain words and titles on self-identification or advertising. In some other countries, practice restrictions are more closely related to charging fees. Licensing and regulation are carried out by various states. Presentation of practice as licensed, but without such a license, is generally illegal. Without a license, for example a practitioner can not collect an insurance company. Information on state licenses is provided by the American Psychological Association.
In addition to state law, the American Psychological Association requires members to abide by their "Ethical Principles". The American Board of Professional Psychology examines and certifies "psychologists who demonstrate competencies in specific fields approved in professional psychology".
Psychotherapy can be said to have been done for centuries, such as medical personnel, philosophers, spiritual practitioners and people in general using psychological methods to heal others.
In the Western tradition, in the nineteenth century, the moral treatment movement (then moral or mental) was developed based on non-invasive non-invasive methods of therapy. Another influential movement was started by Franz Mesmer (1734-1815) and his disciple Armand-Marie-Jacques de Chastenet, Marquis of Puysà ©  © gur (1751-1825). Called Mesmerism or animal magnetism, it will have a powerful influence on the emergence of dynamic psychology and psychiatry as well as the theory of hypnosis. In 1853 Walter Cooper Dendy introduced the term "psycho-therapeia" about how doctors might affect the mental state of the sufferer and thus their bodily diseases, for example by creating opposing emotions to improve mental balance. Daniel Hack Tuke quoted the term and wrote about "psycho-therapeutic" in 1872, in which he also proposed making the science of animal magnetism. Hippolyte Bernheim and his colleagues at "Nancy School" developed the concept of "psychotherapy" in the sense of using the mind to heal the body through hypnotism, but further. The work of Charles Lloyd Tuckey in 1889, Psycho-therapeutics, or Treatment by Hypnotism and Suggestion popularized the work of Nancy School in English. Also in 1889 a clinic used the word in its title for the first time, when Frederik van Eeden and Albert Willem in Amsterdam renamed their "Clinique de Psycho-thÃÆ'  © rapeutique Suggestive" after visiting Nancy. During this time, the stage trip hypnosis became popular, and such activity was added to the scientific controversy surrounding the use of hypnosis in medicine. Also in 1892, at the second congress of experimental psychology, van Eeden sought to take credit for the term psychotherapy and distanced the term from hypnosis. In 1896, the German journal Zeitschrift fÃÆ'¼r Hypnotismus, Suggestionstherapie, Suggestionslehre verwandte psychologische Forschungen changed its name to Zeitschrift fÃÆ'¼r Hypnotismus, Psychotherapie sowie andere psychophysiologische und psychopathologische Forschungen, which was probably the first journal to use the term. So psychotherapy originally meant "the treatment of disease by psychic or hypnotic influences, or by suggestion".
Sigmund Freud visited the Nancy School and its neurological practice originally involved the use of hypnotism. Yet after the work of his mentor Josef Breuer - in particular a case where symptoms arose partially settled by what the patient, Bertha Pappenheim, nicknamed "heal speaking" - Freud began to focus on conditions that seemed to have psychological causes derived from his childhood experiences and thoughts down conscious. He went on to develop techniques such as free association, dream interpretation, transference and id analysis, ego and superego. His popular reputation as the father of psychotherapy was founded with the use of different terms of "psychoanalysis", related to a system of thorough theory and methods, and by the effective work of his followers in rewriting history. Many theorists, including Alfred Adler, Carl Jung, Karen Horney, Anna Freud, Otto Rank, Erik Erikson, Melanie Klein and Heinz Kohut, built on Freud's fundamental ideas and often developed their own psychotherapy system. These are then categorized as psychodynamic , which means anything involving the conscious/unconscious influence of the soul on external and inner relationships. Sessions tend to number in the hundreds for several years.
Behaviorism was developed in 1920, and behavioral modification as a therapy became popular in the 1950s and 1960s. The main contributor is Joseph Wolpe in South Africa, M.B. Shipiro and Hans Eysenck in England, and John B. Watson and B.F. Skinner in the United States. The behavioral therapy approach relies on the principles of operant conditioning, classical conditioning and social learning theory to bring therapeutic changes in observable phenomena. That approach became commonly used for phobias, as well as other disorders.
Some therapeutic approaches developed from the school of philosophy of existential European philosophy. Especially with regard to the individual's ability to develop and maintain a sense of meaning and purpose throughout life, major contributors to the field (eg Irvin Yalom, Rollo May) and Europe (Viktor Frankl, Ludwig Binswanger, Medard Boss, RDLaing, Emmy van Deurzen) sensitive therapy to the general "crisis of life" arising from the essential darkness of human self-consciousness, previously only accessible through complex writings of existential philosophers (eg, SÃÆ'¸ren Kierkegaard, Jean-Paul Sartre, Gabriel Marcel, Martin Heidegger, Friedrich Nietzsche). The uniqueness of the patient-therapist relationship thus also establishes a vehicle for therapeutic investigation. A related thought in psychotherapy began in 1950 with Carl Rogers. Based also on Abraham Maslow's work and the hierarchy of human needs, Rogers brings people-centered psychotherapy into the main focus. The main requirement is that the client must accept the three core "conditions" of the counselor or therapist: unconditionally positive, sometimes described as "hunting down" the client's humanity; conformity [authenticity/authenticity/transparency]; and empathic understanding. This type of interaction is thought to allow clients to fully experience and express themselves, and then develop according to their innate potential. Others developed approaches, such as Fritz and Laura Perls in the creation of Gestalt therapy, as well as Marshall Rosenberg, founder of Nonviolent Communication, and Eric Berne, founder of transactional analysis. Later, this field of psychotherapy will become what is known as humanistic psychotherapy today. Self-help groups and books became widespread.
During the 1950s, Albert Ellis initiated rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT). Independently several years later, psychiatrist Aaron T. Beck developed a form of psychotherapy known as cognitive therapy. Both of these include relatively short, structured, and focused techniques that are currently aimed at identifying and changing one's beliefs, judgments, and patterns of reactions, in contrast to a more long-term psychodynamic or humanistic therapy approach. Beck's approach primarily used socratic methods, and links have been drawn between ancient stoic philosophy and cognitive therapy.
The approach of cognitive and behavioral therapy was increasingly combined and grouped under the umbrella of the term cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in the 1970s. Many approaches in CBT are oriented to empirically active/directive but collaborative (a form of reality testing), and assess and modify core beliefs and dysfunctional schemes. These approaches gain wide acceptance as the main treatment for many disorders. A "third wave" of cognitive and behavioral therapy is developed, including acceptance and commitment therapy and dialectical behavior therapy, which extends the concept to other disorders and/or adds new components and awareness exercises. But the concept of "third wave" has been criticized because it is essentially no different from other therapies and is rooted in the former as well. Counseling methods developed include therapy that focuses on systemic solutions and coaching.
Postmodern psychotherapy such as narrative therapy and coherence therapy do not impose mental health and disease definitions, but rather see therapeutic goals as something that clients and therapists build in a social context. Systemic therapy is also developed, focusing on family and group dynamics - and transpersonal psychology, which focuses on the spiritual facet of human experience. Other orientations developed in the last three decades include feminist therapy, short therapy, somatic psychology, expressive therapy, applying positive psychology and human givens approach. A survey of more than 2,500 US therapists in 2006 revealed the most widely used therapeutic model and the ten most influential therapists of the previous quarter century.
There are hundreds of psychotherapy approaches or schools of thought. In 1980 there were more than 250; in 1996 more than 450; and at the beginning of the 21st century there were over a thousand different names of psychotherapy - some of which were minor variations while others were based on very different concepts of psychology, ethics (or way of life). In practice, therapy is often not a pure but interesting kind of perspective and school - known as an integrative or eclectic approach. The importance of therapeutic relationships, also known as therapeutic alliances, between the client and the therapist is often considered essential for psychotherapy. The general factor theory addresses this and other core aspects that are considered responsible for effective psychotherapy. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), a Viennese neuroscientist who studied with Charcot in 1885, is often regarded as the father of modern psychotherapy. His methods include analyzing dreams for important insights that place the awareness of the dreamer. Other key elements of his method, which change throughout the year, include identification of childhood sexuality, the role of anxiety as a manifestation of inner conflict, the differentiation of the parts of the soul (id, ego, superego), transference and countertransference (the projection of the patient to the therapist, and the therapist's emotional response to it). Some of the concepts were too broad to accept empirical testing and cancellation, and he was criticized by Jaspers. Many great figures outlined and perfected Freud's therapeutic techniques including Melanie Klein, Donald Winnicott, and others. Since the 1960s, however, the use of Freud-based analysis for the treatment of mental disorders has dropped substantially. Various types of psychotherapy have been created along with the emergence of clinical trials to test them scientifically. It combines subjective treatments (after Beck), behavioral care (after Skinner and Wolpe) and additional time-limited and centralized structures, for example, interpersonal psychotherapy. In adolescent and schizophrenic problems, family care systems are in control. Some of the thoughts that arise from current therapy are pervasive and some are part of the usual clinical practice armamentary. They are not just medicine, they also help to understand complicated behavior.
Therapy can address specific forms of diagnosed mental illness, or daily problems in managing or maintaining interpersonal relationships or fulfilling personal goals. Treatment may occur before, during or after pharmacotherapy (eg taking psychiatric drugs).
Psychotherapy is categorized in several different ways. Differences can be made between those based on medical models and those based on humanistic models. In the medical model, clients are viewed as unhealthy and therapists use their skills to help clients return to health. The extensive use of DSM-IV, diagnostic manuals and statistics on mental disorders in the United States, is an example of an exclusive medical model. The humanistic or non-medical model instead seeks to depathologise the human condition. The therapist seeks to create a relational environment conducive to experiential learning and helps build client confidence in their own natural processes that result in a deeper understanding of themselves. Therapists may see themselves as facilitators/helpers.
Another difference is between individual one-to-one therapy sessions, and group psychotherapy, including couples therapy and family therapy.
Treatment is sometimes classified by duration; a small number of sessions over weeks or months may be classified as short-term therapy (or short-term therapy), others where regular sessions lasting for many years can be classified as long-term.
Some practitioners distinguish between more "revealing" (or "deep") approaches and more "supportive" psychotherapy. Unraveling psychotherapy emphasizes facilitating client insight into the root of their adversity. The most famous example is classical psychoanalysis. Contrasting psychotherapy emphasizes strengthening client coping mechanisms and often provides encouragement and advice, as well as testing reality and setting limits if necessary. Depending on the client's problem and situation, a more supportive or more revealing approach may be optimal.
Most forms of psychotherapy use oral conversation. Some also use other forms of communication such as written words, artwork, drama, narrative or music stories. Psychotherapy with children and their parents often involves play, dramatization (ie role-playing), and drawing, with a jointly constructed narrative of this non-verbal and refugee mode of interaction.
There are also various formats to provide some of the usual therapies, as well as face-to-face contacts: for example by phone or through online interaction. There are also developments in computer-assisted therapy, such as virtual reality therapy for behavioral exposure, multimedia programs for any cognitive technique, and handheld devices to improve monitoring or practice of ideas.
This psychotherapy, also known as "experience", is based on humanistic psychology and emerges as a reaction to behaviorism and psychoanalysis, dubbed the "third force". They are primarily concerned with human development and individual needs, with an emphasis on subjective meaning, rejection of determinism, and attention to positive growth rather than pathology. Some place an inherent human ability to maximize potential, "self-actualization tendencies"; therapeutic task is to create a relational environment in which this tendency may develop. Humanistic psychology can in turn be rooted in existentialism - the belief that humans can only find meaning by creating it. This is the goal of existential therapy. Existential therapy in turn is philosophically related to phenomenology.
People-centered therapy, also known as client centered, focuses on therapists who show openness, empathy and "unconditional positive things", to help clients express and develop themselves.
Gestalt therapy, originally called "concentration therapy", is an existential/experiential form that facilitates awareness in various contexts of life, moving from talking about a relatively distant situation to action and directing current experience. Derived from a variety of influences, including a psychoanalytical overhaul, it stands on four theoretical walls of burdens: phenomenological methods, dialogical relationships, theoretical field strategies, and experimental freedom.
A shorter form of humanistic therapy is the approach of human giving, introduced in 1998/9. These are solution-focused interventions based on the identification of emotional needs - such as for security, autonomy and social connections - and use various educational and psychological methods to help people meet those needs more fully or appropriately.
Insight oriented
Insight oriented psychotherapy focuses on expressing or interpreting the subconscious process. Most commonly referred to psychodynamic therapy, where psychoanalysis is the oldest and most intensive form, this depth application of psychology encourages the verbalization of all patients' thoughts, including associations, fantasies, and free dreams, from which the analyst formulates the nature of past unconscious conflicts and now that causes symptoms and patient character problems.
There are four main schools of psychoanalysis, all of which are influenced by psychodynamic theory: Freudian, ego psychology, object relations theory, and self psychology. Techniques for analytic group therapy have also been developed.
Behavioral therapy uses behavioral techniques, including applied behavioral analysis (also known as behavioral modification), to change patterns of maladaptive behavior to improve emotional responses, cognition, and interaction with others. Functional analytic psychotherapy is one form of this approach. Naturally, behavioral therapy is empirical (data-driven), contextual (focused on the environment and context), functional (interested in the effects or consequences of behavior in the end), probabilistic (see behavior as statistically predictable), monistic people of dualism and treat people as units), and relational (analyzing two-way interaction).
Cognitive therapy focuses directly on changing the mind, to improve emotions and behavior.
Cognitive behavioral therapy tries to combine the above two approaches, which focus on the construction and rebuilding of people's cognitions, emotions, and behaviors. Generally in CBT, therapists, through a variety of modalities, help clients assess, recognize and address problematic, dysfunctional thinking, emotions and behaviors.
The concept of "third wave" psychotherapy reflects the influence of Eastern philosophy in clinical psychology, incorporating principles such as meditation into interventions such as cognitive therapy based on awareness, acceptance and commitment therapy, and dialectical behavior therapy for personality threshold disorder.
Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) is a relatively short form of psychotherapy (derived from both CBT and psychodynamic approaches) which has been increasingly studied and supported by guidelines for some conditions. It focuses on the relationship between mood and social circumstances, helping to build social skills and social support. It aims to encourage adaptation to current interpersonal roles and situations.
Other types include reality therapy/choice theory, multimodal therapy, and therapy for certain disorders including PTSD therapy such as cognitive processing and EMDR therapy; substance abuse therapy such as relapse prevention and contingency management; OCD therapy such as exposure and prevention of responses; and interference therapy that occur together such as Seeking Safety.
Systemic therapy seeks to address people not only individually, as is often the focus of other forms of therapy, but in relationships, dealing with group interactions, patterns and their dynamics (including family therapy and marriage counseling). Community psychology is a type of systemic psychology.
The term group therapy was first used around 1920 by Jacob L. Moreno, whose primary contribution was the development of psychodrama, in which the group was used both as a player and audience to explore individual problems by re-display under the direction of the leader. The use of more analytic and explorative groups in both hospitals and outpatients was spearheaded by some European psychoanalysts emigrating to the United States, such as Paul Schilder, who treated severe neurotic and slightly mentally ill patients in small groups at Bellevue Hospital. , New York. The power of the most influential group was shown in England during the Second World War, when some psychoanalysts and psychiatrists proved the value of group methods for the election of officers in the Bureau of Electoral Council. The opportunity to run an Army psychiatric unit on the group path was then awarded to some of these pioneers, notably Wilfred Bion and Rickman, followed by S. H. Foulkes, Main, and Bridger. The Northfield Hospital in Birmingham gave its name to what came to be called two "Northfield Experiments", which provided a boost for development since the wars of both social therapies, namely, therapeutic community movements, and the use of small groups for the treatment of neurotic and personality disorders. Group therapy is currently used in clinical settings and in private practice settings.
Expressive therapy is any form of therapy that uses artistic expression as the core means to care for the client. Expressive therapists use different disciplines of creative arts as therapeutic interventions. These include modal dance therapy, drama therapy, art therapy, music therapy, writing therapy, among others. The expressive therapist believes that often the most effective way to treat clients is through the expression of imagination in creative work and integrating and processing what issues are raised in acting.
Also known as post-structuralist or constructivist. Narrative therapy gives attention to the "dominant story" of each person through therapeutic conversations, which may also involve the exploration of unhelpful ideas and how they become famous. Possible social and cultural influences can be explored if the client finds them useful. Coherence therapy presupposes the various levels of mental construction that create symptoms as a way of trying to protect themselves or self-realization. Feminist therapy does not accept that there is a single or correct way of looking at reality and is therefore considered a postmodernist approach.
Transpersonal psychology deals with clients in the context of a spiritual understanding of consciousness. Positive psychotherapy (PPT) (since 1968) is a method of humanistic and psychodynamic psychotherapy and is based on a positive human image, with a health-oriented, resource-oriented and conflict-oriented approach.
Hypnotherapy is done when the subject is in a state of hypnosis. Hypnotherapy is often applied to change subject behavior, emotional content, and attitudes, as well as a variety of conditions including: dysfunctional habits, anxiety, stress-related illnesses, pain management, and personal development.
Body psychotherapy, part of the field of somatic psychology, focuses on the connection between mind and body and tries to access the deeper levels of the soul through greater awareness of the physical body and emotions. There are various body-oriented approaches, such as Reichian (Wilhelm Reich) character-analytic vegetotherapy and orgonomy; neo-reichian bioenergy analysis; somatic experience; integrative body psychotherapy; Ron Kurtz's Hakomi psychotherapy; sensorimotor psychotherapy; Psychotherapy Biosynthesis; and Biodynamic psychotherapy. This approach is not to be confused with body work or body-therapy that seeks to improve primarily physical health through direct work (touch and manipulation) in the body, rather than through direct psychological methods.
Several non-Western native therapies have been developed. In African countries this includes harmony recovery therapy, meseron therapy and systemic therapy based on the Ubuntu philosophy.
Integrative psychotherapy is an attempt to combine ideas and strategies from more than one theoretical approach. This approach includes mixing core beliefs and incorporating proven techniques. Integrative forms of psychotherapy include multimodal therapy, transtheoretical models, cyclical psychodynamics, systematic treatment selection, cognitive analytic therapy, internal family system models, multitheoretical psychotherapy and conceptual interaction. In practice, most experienced psychotherapists develop their own integrative approach over time.
Counseling and psychotherapy should be tailored to meet the child's developmental needs. It is generally held to be one part of an effective strategy for some goals and not for others. In addition to therapy for children, or even otherwise, children can benefit if their parents speak with a therapist, take nursing classes, attend grief counseling, or take other actions to resolve stressful situations that affect children. Parental management training is a very effective form of psychotherapy that teaches parenting skills to reduce their child's behavioral problems.
Many counseling preparation courses include courses in human development. Because children often lack the ability to articulate thoughts and feelings, counselors will use various media such as crayons, paints, clay, dolls, bibliocounseling (books), toys, board games, and so on. The use of play therapy is often rooted in psychodynamic theory, but other approaches such as Solution Focused Brief Counseling can also use play in counseling. In many cases, the counselor may prefer to work with a nanny, especially if the child is younger than the age of four. However, thus, the risk counselor engages in maladaptive interactive patterns and adverse effects on development that have been affected at the end of the child's relationship. Therefore, contemporary thinking to work with this young age group has relied on working with parents and children simultaneously in interaction, as well as individually as needed.
Computer-backed psychotherapy
Research on computer-based and computer-based interventions has improved significantly over the past two decades. The following applications have often been investigated:
- Health tele-therapy/tele-mental: In classical psychotherapy teleterapi is provided through modern communication devices, such as through video conferencing.
- Virtual reality: VR is a computer-generated scenario that simulates experience. The immersive environment, used for simulated exposure, can be similar to the real world or it can be fantastic, creating new experiences.
- Computer-based intervention (or online intervention or internet intervention ): This intervention can be described as interactive self-help. They usually require a combination of text, audio or video elements.
- Computer-backed therapy (or mixed therapy ): Classic psychotherapy is supported by the means of online application elements or software. The feasibility of such interventions has been investigated for individual and group therapy.
There is much controversy about whether, or when, the efficacy of psychotherapy is best evaluated by randomized controlled trials or more individualized idiographic methods.
One problem with trials is what should be used as a placebo treatment group or non-treatment control group. Often these patients are on a waiting list, or people who receive some kind of regular non-specific contact or support. One of the problems is the best way to match the use of inert tablets or fake care in a placebo controlled study in a pharmaceutical trial. Several different interpretations and assumptions and languages ​​persist. Another problem is the effort to standardize and bruise Apply therapy and relate it to specific symptoms of the diagnostic category, making it easier to investigate. Some report that this can reduce efficacy or ignore individual needs. Fonagy and Roth's opinion is that the benefits of an evidence-based approach outweigh the difficulties.
There is a formal framework for evaluating psychotherapist matches for certain patients, for example, Scarsdale Psychotherapy Self-Evaluation (SPSE). However, some scales, such as SPS, obtain special information for certain psychotherapeutic schools (eg superego).
Many psychotherapists believe that the nuances of psychotherapy can not be captured by observing the style of the questionnaire, and prefer to rely on their own clinical experience and conceptual arguments to support the type of care they practice. Psychodynamic therapists in particular believe that evidence-based approaches are inconsistent with their methods or assumptions, although some have increasingly accepted the challenge of applying evidence-based approaches in their methods.
Results related to the type of treatment selected
A large international review of scientific studies has concluded that psychotherapy is effective for many conditions.
One line of research consistently found that different forms of psychotherapy showed similar effectiveness. According to The Handbook of Counseling Psychology: "Meta-analysis of psychotherapy studies has consistently shown that there is no substantial difference in outcomes among treatments". The manual states that there is "little evidence to suggest that any psychological therapy consistently outperforms others for any particular psychological disorder is sometimes called the Dodo's verdict after the scene in Alice in Wonderland where every competitor in the race is called winner and awarded a prize ".
Further analysis seeks to identify factors that share psychotherapeutic similarities that seem to take this into account, known as the general factor theory; such as the quality of the therapeutic relationship, problem interpretation, and painful emotional confrontation.
It should be noted that the results of the study have been criticized for being omitted from real-world practice because they use carefully selected therapists who have been extensively trained and monitored, and patients who may not represent typical patients based on strict inclusion./exclusion criteria. Such concerns have an impact on the replication of research results and the ability to generalize from them to practice therapists.
However, specific therapies have been tested for use with specific disorders, and regulatory organizations in both the UK and the US are making recommendations for different conditions.
The Helsinki Psychotherapy Study is one of the few long-term clinical trials of great psychotherapy that has taken place. Anxious and depressed patients in two short-term therapy (short-focused and psychodynamic solutions) increase faster, but psychotherapy and long-term psychoanalysis of five years provide greater benefits. Several factors of patients and therapists appear to predict the suitability for different psychotherapy.
Meta-analysis has determined that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and psychodynamic psychotherapy are as effective in treating depression.
A meta-analysis in 2014 of 11,000 patients revealed that Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) has a comparable effectiveness to CBT for depression but is lower than the last for eating disorders. For children and adolescents, interpersonal and CBT psychotherapy is the best method according to a 2014 meta-analysis of nearly 4000 patients.
Mechanism of change
Different therapeutic approaches may be related to certain theories about what needs to be changed in a person for successful therapeutic outcomes.
In general, the process of emotional stimulation and memory has long been held to play an important role. One theory that combines these aspects proposes that permanent change occurs as far as the neuropsychological mechanisms of memory reconcentration are triggered and are able to combine new emotional experiences.
Patient's adherence to psychotherapy - continuing to attend a session or completing a task - is a big deal.
The dropout rate - early termination - ranges from about 30% to 60%, depending in part on how it is defined. The range is lower for research settings for various reasons, such as client selection and how they are sworn in. Early average disconnection with various demographic and clinical characteristics of clients, therapists, and treatment interactions. The high rate of dropout has raised some criticism about the relevance and efficacy of psychotherapy.
Most psychologists use intermediate-session tasks in their general therapeutic work, and cognitive behavioral therapy in certain uses and see them as "active ingredients". It is unclear how often clients do not solve them, but are perceived as pervasive phenomena.
On the other hand, therapist adherence to protocols and therapeutic techniques - known as "treatment integrity" or "loyalty" - has also been studied, with complex mixed results. In general, however, it is characteristic of evidence-based psychotherapy to use loyalty monitoring as part of a therapeutic trial of results and ongoing quality assurance in clinical practice.
Adverse effects
Research on the side effects of psychotherapy has been limited for various reasons, but they may be expected to occur in 5% to 20% of patients. Problems include deterioration of symptoms or developing new symptoms, strains in other relationships, and dependence on the therapist. Some techniques or therapists can carry more risks than others, and some characteristics of clients can make them more vulnerable. The side effects of therapy performed correctly should be distinguished from the harm caused by malpractice.
General criticism
Some critics are skeptical of the healing power of psychotherapy relationships. Some people ignore psychotherapy altogether in the sense of a scientific discipline that requires professional practitioners, instead of supporting non-professional assistance or biomedical care. Others have pointed out ways in which therapist values ​​and techniques can be harmful and help clients (or indirectly to others in the client's life).
Many resources are available for someone who is emotionally depressed - friendly support, peers, family members, pastor contact, personal readings, healthy exercise, research, and independent handling - all of these offer great value. Critics note that humans have dealt with crises, navigating severe social problems and finding solutions to life problems long before the advent of psychotherapy.
On the other hand, some argue psychotherapy is underutilized and under-researched by contemporary psychiatry despite offering more promise than stagnant drug development. In 2015, the US National Mental Health Institute allocates only 5.4% of its budget to new clinical trials of psychotherapy (drug trials largely funded by pharmaceutical companies), although much of their evidence can work and that patients are more likely to vote for them.
Some Christians, such as theologian Thomas C. Oden, argue that a successful therapeutic relationship, based on the true acceptance of the client as a human without possibility, requires theological assumption, the ontological acceptance of God.
Further criticism comes from feminist, constructivist and discourse-analytical sources. The key to this is the matter of power. In this case there is a concern that clients are persuaded - both inside and outside the consulting room - to understand themselves and their difficulties in a manner consistent with therapeutic ideas. This means that alternative ideas (eg, feminist, economic, spiritual) are sometimes implicitly undermined. Critics suggest that we idealize situations when we think of therapy as merely a helpful relationship - arguing that it is essentially a political practice, in which some cultural ideas and practices are supported while others are disparaged or disqualified, and that rarely, therapist-clients always participate in public power relations and political dynamics. A prominent academic who supports this criticism is Michel Foucault.
See also
- Increase Access to Psychological Therapy
- List of psychotherapeutic journals
- Physical therapy
Further reading
- Introduction to Psychotherapy . 4th Edition, 2006. Bloch, S. (Editor). ISBN: 0198520921.
- Fundamentals of Psychotherapy: Introduction to Theory and Practice . 2010. Wampold, B. ISBN: 1433807505.
- Psychotherapy: Introduction to Psychiatric Residents and Other Mental Health Trainees . 2005. Slavney, P. ISBNÃ, 0801880963.
- Complete Adult Psychotherapy Planner . Issue 5, 2014. Jongsma, Peterson & amp; Bruce. ISBN: 111806786X.
- Neuroscience of Psychotherapy: Healing the Social Brain . 2nd Edition, 2010. Cozolino, L. ISBN: 0393706427.
- Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy . Issue 9, 2012. Corey, G. ISBN: 0840028547.
External links
- World Council for Psychotherapy
- "Finding a Therapist That Can Help You Heal", 2015
- "How to Find a Good Therapist" PsychCentral, 2008
- "Fundamentals of Therapy" series Psychology Today , 2008
- "Open Therapy: a guide to finding the right therapist for you" Irish Times , 2015
- "How to find the right therapist", 2013
- "When You Do not Know Where to Turn: A Self-diagnosis Guide for Counseling and Therapy" Project Gutenberg, 2014
Source of the article : Wikipedia