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The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is a private research university located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States. Founded in 1861 in response to the increasing industrialization of the United States, MIT adopted the model of European polytechnic universities and emphasized laboratory instruction in applied science and engineering. The Institute is traditionally known for research and education in physical sciences and engineering, but more recently in biology, economics, linguistics and management as well. MIT is often ranked among the most prestigious universities in the world.

In March 2018, 91 Nobel Prize winners, 25 Turing Award winners, and 6 Field Medalists have been affiliated with MIT as alumni, faculty members or researchers. In addition, 52 recipients of the National Science Award, 65 Marshall Scholars, 45 Rhodes Scholars, 38 MacArthur Fellows, 34 astronauts and 16 Chiefs of Air Force Scientists have been affiliated with MIT. The school has a strong entrepreneurial culture and the company's annual income established by MIT alumni ($ 1.9 trillion) will rank as the world's tenth largest economy (2014). MIT is a member of the Association of American Universities (AAU).

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In 1859, a proposal was submitted to the Massachusetts General Court to use the newly filled land in Back Bay, Boston for "Conservatory of Art and Science", but the proposal failed. The charter for the merger of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, proposed by William Barton Rogers, was signed by the Massachusetts governor on April 10, 1861.

Rogers, a professor from the University of Virginia, wants to establish an institution to tackle rapid scientific and technological progress. He did not want to establish a professional school, but a combination with elements of professional and liberal education, which proposed that:

The practical and practical object of the polytechnic school is, as I imagine, teaching, not details and artistic manipulation, which can only be done in workshops, but the cultivation of scientific principles that form the basis and explanation of them, and along with this, a full review and methodical over all their principal processes and operations with respect to physical law.

Rogers' plan reflects the German university research model, emphasizing the independent faculty involved in research, as well as instruction oriented around seminars and laboratories.

Initial development

Two days after MIT was chartered, the first battle of the Civil War broke out. After a long delay during the war years, MIT's first class was held at the Mercantile Building in Boston in 1865. The new institute was established as part of the Morrill Land-Grant Colleges Act to fund the agency "to promote the liberal and practical education of the industrial class "and is a grant school of land. In 1863 under the same action, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts established Massachusetts Agricultural College, developed as the University of Massachusetts Amherst. In 1866, proceeds from the sale of land fell into new buildings in Back Bay.

MIT is informally called "Boston Tech". The institute adopted a model of European polytechnic universities and emphasized laboratory instruction from an early date. Despite chronic financial problems, the institute experienced growth in the last two decades of the 19th century under President Francis Amasa Walker. Programs in electricity, chemistry, marine, and sanitation were introduced, new buildings were built, and the size of the student body increased to more than a thousand.

The curriculum drifts into vocational emphasis, focusing less on theoretical sciences. The young school is still suffering from chronic financial shortages that distract MIT leaders. During these "Boston Tech" years, MIT faculty and alumni rejected President Harvard (and former MIT faculty) Charles W. Eliot, who repeatedly tried to combine MIT with Harvard Lawrence Scientific School. There are at least six attempts to absorb MIT to Harvard. At the narrow Back Bay location, MIT was unable to expand its crowded facilities, encouraging desperate searches for new campuses and funding. Eventually MIT Corporation approved a formal agreement to join Harvard, on strong objections from MIT faculty, students, and alumni. However, the 1917 decision by the Supreme Judicial Court effectively ended the merger scheme.

In 1916, the MIT administration and the MIT charter crossed the Charles River on the ceremonial bar Bucentaur built for this event, to show MIT's move to a vast new campus consisting mostly of a mile-long. channel along the Cambridge side of the Charles River. The Neoclassical "New Technology" campus was designed by William W. Bosworth and was funded largely by the anonymous donations of the mysterious "Mr. Smith", beginning in 1912. In January 1920, the donors were revealed to be industrialist George Eastman of Rochester, New York, who had find methods of film production and processing, and established Eastman Kodak. Between 1912 and 1920, Eastman donated $ 20 million ($ 236.6 million in 2015 dollars) in cash and Kodak shares to MIT.

Curricular Reform

In the 1930s, President Karl Taylor Compton and Vice President (effectively Provost) Vannevar Bush emphasized the importance of pure science such as physics and chemistry and reduced the necessary vocational practice in composing shops and studios. The Compton reformed "a new belief in the Institute's ability to develop leadership in science as well as in engineering". Unlike Ivy League schools, MIT serves more middle-class families, and is more dependent on tuition than grants or grants for funding. The school was elected to the American University Association in 1934.

However, until the end of 1949, the Lewis Committee complained in his report of the state of education at MIT that "the Institute is widely understood as essentially a vocational school", a "partially unwarranted" perception that the committee is trying to change. The report comprehensively reviews the undergraduate curriculum, recommended broader education offerings, and warns against allowing government-sponsored engineering and research to reduce science and humanities. The School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences and MIT Sloan School of Management was formed in 1950 to compete with the powerful School of Science and Engineering. Faculty previously marginalized in economics, management, political science, and linguistics have emerged into cohesive and assertive departments by attracting respected professors and launching competitive graduate programs. The School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences continued to flourish in succession from more humanist-oriented presidents Howard W. Johnson and Jerome Wiesner between 1966 and 1980.

Defense research

MIT's involvement in military science increased during World War II. In 1941, Vannevar Bush was appointed head of the Federal Office of Scientific Research and Development and directed funding only to a select group of universities, including MIT. Engineers and scientists from around the country gathered at the MIT Radiation Laboratory, established in 1940 to assist the British military in developing microwave radar. The work done there significantly affected the war and subsequent research in the area. Other defense projects include gyroscope-based and other complex control systems for gunsight, bombsight, and inertial navigation under the Charles Stark Draper Instrumentation Laboratory; development of digital computer for flight simulation under Project Whirlwind; and high-speed photography and high under Harold Edgerton. At the end of the war, MIT became the largest R & D contractor in wartime (attracted some criticism of Bush), employed nearly 4,000 at its own Radiation Laboratory and received over $ 100 million ($ 1.2 billion in 2015 dollars) before 1946. Work on defense projects continues even after that. The post-war government sponsored research at MIT includes SAGE and the guidance system for ballistic missiles and Project Apollo.

This activity greatly affected MIT. A 1949 report noted the lack of a "major deterioration in the pace of life at the Institute" to match its return to peacetime, given the "academic calm of the prewar years", despite recognizing the significant contribution of military research to increased emphasis. in postgraduate education and the rapid growth of personnel and facilities. Teachers multiplied and graduate student bodies multiplied during the time of Karl Taylor Compton, president of MIT between 1930 and 1948; James Rhyne Killian, president from 1948 to 1957; and Julius Adams Stratton, chancellor from 1952 to 1957, whose institutional development strategy established a thriving university. In the 1950s, MIT no longer only benefited industries that had worked for three decades, and had developed a closer working relationship with new patrons, philanthropic foundations and the federal government.

In the late 1960s and early 1970s, student and learner activists protested against the Vietnam War and MIT defense research. In this period various MIT departments are researching helicopters, smart bombs and counter-insurgency techniques for the Vietnam war as well as guidance systems for nuclear missiles. The Union of Concerned Scientists was established on March 4, 1969 during a meeting of faculty members and students seeking to divert emphasis on military research on environmental and social issues. MIT finally broke free from the Instrumentation Laboratory and transferred all off-campus secret research to the MIT Lincoln Laboratory facility in 1973 in response to the protests. Student bodies, faculty, and administration remain unpolitarized during times of turmoil for many other universities. Johnson is seen to be very successful in leading his institution to "greater power and unity" after these turbulent times. But six MIT students were sentenced to prison today and several former student leaders, such as Michael Albert and George Katsiaficas, are still angry about MIT's role in military research and his suppression of the protests. (The movie Richard Leacock, Action November , records some of these tumultuous events.)

In the 1980s, there was more controversy at MIT for its involvement in the research of space weapons (SDI) and CBW (chemistry and biology). Recently, MIT's research for the military has included work on robots, drones and 'battle suits'.

Recent history

MIT has followed and helped advance the digital age. In addition to developing predecessors for modern computing and networking technologies, students, staff, and faculty members at Project MAC, the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and Tech Model Railroad Club write some of the earliest interactive computer video games such as Spacewar! and created many slang and modern hacker culture. Several major computer-related organizations have come from MIT since the 1980s: Richard Stallman The GNU Project and the Free Software Foundation were founded in the mid-1980s at AI Lab; MIT Media Lab was founded in 1985 by Nicholas Negroponte and Jerome Wiesner to promote research on the use of new computer technologies; The World Wide Web Consortium standard organization was established at the Laboratory for Computer Science in 1994 by Tim Berners-Lee; the OpenCourseWare project has created lesson material for over 2,000 MIT classes available online free since 2002; and One Laptop per Child initiative to expand computer education and connectivity for children worldwide launched in 2005.

MIT was named a marine grant university in 1976 to support its program in oceanography and marine science and was named a space grant college in 1989 to support its aeronautics and astronautic programs. Despite the lack of government financial support over the last quarter century, MIT launched several successful development campaigns to significantly expand campuses: new dormitories and athletic buildings on the west campus; The Tang Center for Management Education; several buildings on the northeast corner of the campus that support biological, brain and cognitive science, genomics, biotechnology, and cancer research; and a number of new "backlot" buildings on Vassar Street including Stata Center. Campus construction in 2000 included the expansion of the Media Lab, the Sloan School's eastern campus, and graduate residence in the northwest. In 2006, President Hockfield launched the MIT Energy Research Council to investigate the interdisciplinary challenges posed by the increase in global energy consumption.

In 2001, inspired by open source and open access movements, MIT launched OpenCourseWare to create lecture notes, set issues, syllabi, exams, and lectures from most of its programs available online at no cost, even without formal accreditation for the finished course. While the cost of supporting and hosting a high project, OCW expanded in 2005 to include other universities as part of the OpenCourseWare Consortium, which currently includes over 250 academic institutions with content available in at least six languages. In 2011, MIT announced it would offer formal certification (but not credit or degree) to online participants who completed the course in the "MITx" program, at an affordable cost. The "edX" online platform that supports MITx was originally developed in partnership with Harvard and similar "Harvardx" initiatives. The courseware platform is open source, and other universities have joined and added their own course content.

Three days after the Boston Marathon bombing in April 2013, MIT Police patrol officer Sean Collier was shot dead by suspects Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who started a cruel hunt that closed campus and most of Boston's metropolitan area for a day. One week later, Collier's memorial ceremony was attended by over 10,000 people, in a ceremony hosted by the MIT community with thousands of police officers from the New England and Canadian regions. On November 25, 2013, MIT announced the creation of a Collier Medal, which will be awarded annually to "an individual or group that embodies the character and quality shown by the Collier Officer as a member of the MIT community and in all aspects of his life." The further announcement states that "Recipients of future awards will include those whose contributions exceed the limits of their profession, those who have contributed to building bridges throughout society, and those who consistently and unconditionally do good deeds."

In September 2017, the school announced the creation of an artificial intelligence research laboratory called MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab. IBM will spend $ 240 million over the next decade and the lab will be managed by MIT and IBM scientists.

Maps Massachusetts Institute of Technology


The 168-acre (68.0-acre) MIT campus in Cambridge lies about a mile along the north side of the Charles River basin. The campus is divided roughly half by Massachusetts Avenue, with most dorms and student life facilities to the west and most of the academic buildings in the east. The closest bridge to MIT is the Harvard Bridge, which is known to be marked by a non-standard length unit - smoot.

Kendall MBTA Red Line Station is located on the northeastern edge of campus, in Kendall Square. The Cambridge neighborhood around MIT is a mix of high-tech companies that occupy modern offices and rehabilitated industrial buildings, as well as a socio-economic environment. In early 2016, MIT presented the updated Kendall Square Initiative to Cambridge City, with plans for mixed use of education, retail, housing, startup incubators, and office space in a high-rise, transit-oriented development plan. The MIT Museum will eventually be moved immediately adjacent to the Kendall Square subway entrance, joining the Visual Arts Center List at the eastern end of the campus.

Each building at MIT has a number (possibly preceded by W , N , E , or NW ) of the appointment and a partial big has a name too. Typically, academic buildings and offices are called primarily by numbers while living quarters are called by name. Organizations build numbers roughly according to the order in which buildings are built and their relative location (north, west, and east) to the original center cluster of Maclaurin buildings. Many buildings are connected above ground and through a vast underground tunnel network, providing protection from the Cambridge weather and a place for roof and tunnel hacks.

MIT campus nuclear reactor is one of the most powerful nuclear reactors in universities in the United States. The advantages of building reactor detention in densely populated areas have been controversial, but MIT believes that it is safe. In 1999 Bill Gates donated US $ 20 million to MIT for the construction of a computer lab called "William H. Gates Building", and was designed by architect Frank Gehry. Although Microsoft has previously provided financial support to the institution, this is the first personal donation received from Gates.

Other well-known campus facilities include pressurized wind tunnels to test aerodynamic research and tank pullers to test ship and sea structure designs. MIT's campus-wide wireless network was completed in the fall of 2005 and consists of nearly 3,000 access points covering 9,400,000 square feet (870,000 m 2 ) campus.

In 2001, the Environmental Protection Agency sued MIT for violating the Clean Water and Clean Air Act laws relating to procedures for the storage and disposal of hazardous waste. MIT settled the lawsuit by paying a $ 155,000 fine and launching three environmental projects. In connection with the capital campaign to expand the campus, the Institute has also been renovating many existing buildings to improve their energy efficiency. MIT has also taken steps to reduce its environmental impact by running alternative campus fuel transport, subsidizing public transport, and establishing a low-emission cogeneration plant that serves the majority of campus electricity, heating, and cooling requirements.

MIT police with state and local governments, in the 2009-2011 period, have investigated reports of 12 sexual offenses, 6 robberies, 3 aggravated attacks, 164 robberies, 1 burning case, and 4 motor vehicle theft cases on campus; affecting approximately 22,000 students and employees.

MIT has substantial commercial real estate holdings in Cambridge where it pays property taxes, plus additional voluntary payments in lieu of taxes (PILOTs) to legally duty-free academic buildings. By 2017, it is the largest taxpayer in the city, accounting for about 14% of the city's annual revenue. Holdings include Technology Square, part of Kendall Square, and many properties in Cambridgeport and Area 4 adjacent to the educational buildings. The land is held for investment purposes and potential for long-term expansion.


The MIT School of Architecture, now the School of Architecture and Planning, was the first in the United States, and has a progressive commissioning history of the building. The first building built on the Cambridge campus, completed in 1916, is sometimes called the "Maclaurin building" after the president of the Institute of Richard Maclaurin who oversaw their construction. Designed by William Welles Bosworth, this magnificent building was built from reinforced concrete, the first for non-industrial - let alone university - buildings in the US. Bosworth's design was influenced by the Beautiful City of the early 1900s and features the Pantheon-esque Big Dome houses the Barker Technical Library. The Great Dome overlooks the Killian Court, where graduation ceremonies are held every year. The friezes of the limestone buildings around the Killian Court are carved with the names of important scientists and philosophers. The spacious 7th Building Atrium on 77 Massachusetts Avenue is considered the entrance to the Infinite Corridor and the entire campus.

Alvar Aalto's Baker House (1947), Eero Saarinen's MIT Chapel and Kresge Auditorium (1955), and I.Mei Pei's Green, Dreyfus, Landau, and Wiesner buildings represented the heightened forms of postwar modernist architecture. Newer buildings such as Frank Gehry's Stata Center (2004), Steven Holl's Simmons Hall (2002), Charles Correa's Building 46 (2005), and Fumihiko Maki's Media Lab Extension (2009) stand out among Boston's classic regional architecture and serve as an example of " starchitecture "contemporary campus. These buildings are not always well received; in 2010, the Princeton Review incorporated MIT into a list of twenty schools whose campuses were "small, unsightly, or both."


Undergraduate students are guaranteed a four-year housing in one of 10 student dormitories at MIT. Those who live on campus can receive support and guidance from home-graduate student tutors, resident advisors, and faculty household teachers. Since home assignments are based on the students' own preferences, the various social atmosphere can be maintained in different life groups; for example, according to Yale Daily News staff of The Insider's Guide to the Colleges, 2010 , "The split between East Campus and West Campus is a significant characteristic of MIT.East Campus has gained a reputation as a rapidly growing rival culture. "MIT also has 5 dormitories for single graduate students and 2 apartment buildings on campus for the families of married students.

MIT has an active Greek and co-op housing system, including thirty-six fraternities, student associations, and independent living groups (FSILGs). By 2015, 98% of all undergraduate students live in housing affiliated with MIT; 54% of men participate in fraternity and 20% of women are involved in student associations. Most FSILGs are located across the river at Back Bay near where MIT was founded, and there is also a group of fraternities on MIT's Western Campus overlooking the Charles River Basin. After 1997 Scott Krueger's alcohol-related death, a new appointment at the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity, MIT required all new students to stay in boarding systems starting in 2002. Since the FSILGs previously housed as many as 300 new students off campus, the new Policy can not be applied until Simmons Hall opened in that year. Recently, MIT has also closed Senior House. Last year, MIT administrators released data showing only 60 percent of the senior Building population graduated in four years. Campus area, the four-year graduation rate is 84 percent.

Alison Brooks to lecture at Massachusetts Institute of Technology ...
src: www.alisonbrooksarchitects.com

Organization and administration

MIT is hired as a non-profit organization and is owned and governed by a privately appointed supervisory board known as MIT Corporation. The Council currently consists of 43 elected members for a period of five years, 25 live members who vote until the 75th anniversary, 3 elected officers (President, Treasurer, and Secretary), and 4 members of ex officio (president of the alumni association, Massachusetts Governor, Massachusetts Secretary of Education, and Chief Justice of the Massachusetts Judicial Court). The board is chaired by Robert Millard, co-founder of L-3 Communications Holdings. The corporation approves budgets, new programs, faculty degrees and appointments, and elects the President to serve as chief executive officer of the university and leads the faculty of the institute. MIT's endowments and other financial assets are managed through a subsidiary company called MIT Investment Management Company (MITIMCo). With a value of $ 13.182 billion by 2016, MIT's endowment is the sixth largest among American colleges and universities.

MIT has five schools (Science, Engineering, Architecture and Planning, Management, and Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences) and one college (Whitaker College of Health Sciences and Technology), but no law or medical school. While the faculty committee asserted great control over many areas of curriculum, research, student life, and MIT administrative affairs, the respective chair of 32 MIT academic departments reported to the department's school dean, who in turn reported to Provost under the President. The current president is L. Rafael Reif, who previously served as a provost under President Susan Hockfield, the first woman to hold the post.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology | ABC STUDY OVERSEAS AGENCY
src: shwec1201.files.wordpress.com


MIT is a large, highly residential research university, with the majority of enrollments in undergraduate and professional programs. The University has been accredited by the Association of Schools and Colleges of New England since 1929. MIT operates on academic calendar 4-1-4 with fall semester starting after Labor Day and ends in mid-December, 4 weeks "Independence Activities Period" in January, and Spring semester begins in early February and ends at the end of May.

MIT students refer to their majors and classes using numbers or acronyms only. Appropriate departments and departments are numbered in the approximate order of their foundation; for example, Civil and Environmental Engineering is Course 1 , while Linguistics and Philosophy are Course 24 . Students majoring in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), the most popular department, collectively identify themselves as "Course 6". MIT students use a combination of departmental course number and number assigned to class to identify their subject; for example, a classical course of introductory classical calculus based mechanics is only "8.01" at MIT.

Undergraduate program

This four-year full-time degree program maintains a balance between professional majors and art and science majors, and has been dubbed the "most selective" by the US. News received some transfer students and 8.0% of its applicants in the 2015 revenue cycle. MIT offers 44 undergraduate degrees in five of its schools. In the academic year 2010-2011, 1,161 graduate science degree (abbreviated "SB") is awarded, the only type of MIT degree currently awarded. In the fall of 2011, among the appointed students of the department, the School of Engineering is the most popular division, enrolling 63% of students in the 19 degree program, followed by School of Science (29%), School of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences (3.7%), Sloan School of Management (3.3%), and School of Architecture and Planning (2%). The largest degree programs in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science ( Course 6-2 ), Computer Science and Engineering ( Course 6-3 ), Mechanical Engineering ( Courses 2 ), Physics ( Course 8 ), and Math ( Course 18 ).

All students must complete a core curriculum called General Institution Requirements (GIR). Needs Science, generally completed during the first year as a prerequisite for classes in science and engineering majors, consists of two physics semesters, two semesters of calculus, one chemical semester, and one semester of biology. There is a Laboratory Requirement, usually satisfied with the appropriate classes in the main courses. The requirements of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (HASS) comprise eight semester classes in the humanities, arts, and social sciences, including at least one semester of each division as well as the courses required for the concentrations specified in the HASS division. Under Communication Needs, two HASS classes, plus two classes taken in the prescribed majors should be "intensive communication", including "substantial instruction and practice in oral presentations". Finally, all students are required to complete the swimming test; Non-university athletes should also take four quarters of physical education classes.

Most classes rely on a combination of lectures, recitations led by associate professors or graduate students, sets of weekly problems ("p-sets"), and regular quizzes or tests. While the speed and difficulty of the MIT course has been compared with "drinking from fire hoses", the retention rate of new students at MIT is similar to that of other research universities. The "pass/without note" rating system reduces some of the pressure for first year students. For each class taken in the fall semester, a new student transcript will report only that the class has been passed, or otherwise have no record of it. In the spring, the passing score (A, B, C) appears on the transcript while the non-passing score is again not recorded. (Grading has previously been "graduated/no record" all the first year, but changed to Class 2006 to prevent students from playing the system by completing the required major classes in their first year.) Also, new students may choose to join alternative community learning , such as the Experimental Study Group, Concourse, or Terrascope.

In 1969, Margaret MacVicar founded the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) to enable students to collaborate directly with faculty members and researchers. Students join or initiate a research project ("UROP") for academic credits, pay, or voluntarily through postings on the UROP website or by contacting faculty members directly. Most undergraduate students participate. Students often become published, apply for patents, and/or launch startups based on their experience in UROP.

In 1970, the Dean of Institutional Relations, Benson R. Snyder, publishes the Hidden Curriculum, states that education at MIT is often underestimated in favor of a series of unwritten expectations, and that passing on good grades is more often the result from finding out a system rather than a solid education. Successful students, according to Snyder, are those who are able to distinguish which formal requirements should be ignored for an unspecified norm. For example, organized student groups have composed the "course scriptures" - a collection of questions and exam questions and answers for students later to use as a reference. Such games, Snyder argues, inhibit the development of creative intelligence and contribute to student dissatisfaction and unrest.

Graduate Program

MIT graduate programs have high coexistence with undergraduate programs, and many courses are taken by qualified students at both levels. MIT offers a comprehensive doctoral program with degrees in humanities, social sciences, and STEM fields as well as professional degrees. The Institute offers graduate programs leading to an academic degree such as Master of Science (abbreviated to SM at MIT), various Degrees of Engineers, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), and Doctor of Science (ScD) and interdisciplinary graduate programs such as MD-PhD (with Harvard Medical School).

Admission to a decentralized postgraduate program; applicants apply directly to the department or degree program. Over 90% of doctoral students are supported by scholarships, research assistants (RAs), or teaching assistants (TAs).

MIT earned 1,547 masters and 609 doctorates in the 2010-11 academic year. In the fall of 2011, the School of Engineering is the most popular academic division, enrolling 45.0% of postgraduate students, followed by Sloan School of Management (19%), School of Science (16.9%), School of Architecture and Planning (9 , 2%), Whitaker College of Health Sciences (5.1%), and School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (4.7%). The largest graduate degree programs are MBA Sloan, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and Mechanical Engineering.


MIT also puts among the top ten in many university rankings (see right) and ratings based on student preferences are revealed. For several years, US. News & amp; World Report , QS World University Rankings, and University of the World's Academic Rankings have the first MIT School of Engineering rankings, as well as the National Research Council 1995 report. In the same list, the strongest results of MIT in engineering are computer science, nature, business, architecture, economics, linguistics, mathematics, and, to a lesser extent, political science and philosophy.

In 2014, Money magazine ranked MIT at number three for "Your Best College for Money" in the US, based on its assessment of getting "the greatest for your tuition", taking into account the quality of education, affordability , and career outcomes. In 2014, Forbes magazine rated MIT as "The Most Recent University of Entrepreneurship", based on the percentage of alumni and students identifying themselves as founders or business owners at LinkedIn. In 2015, Brookings Fellow Jonathan Rothwell issued the report "Beyond College Rankings", placing MIT as third in the US, with an estimated 45% added value for mid-career salaries.

Times Higher Education has recognized MIT as one of the "six super brands" in the world of World Reputation Rankings, along with Berkeley, Cambridge, Harvard, Oxford and Stanford. In 2017, Times Higher Education World University Rankings rated MIT as the # 2 university for art and humanities.


The university has historically pioneered research and collaborative training between academia, industry and government. In 1946, President Compton, Harvard Business School professor Georges Doriot and chairman of the Massachusetts Investor Trust, Merrill Grisswold founded the American Research and Development Corporation, the first American venture capital firm. In 1948, Compton established the MIT Industry Liaison Program. Throughout the late 1980s and early 1990s, American politicians and business leaders accused MIT and other universities of contributing to the economic downturn by transferring taxpayer funded research and technology to international companies - notably Japan - that competed with American business fighting. On the other hand, MIT's extensive collaboration with the federal government on research projects has led some MIT leaders serving as a presidential scientific advisor since 1940. MIT set up the Washington Office in 1991 to continue an effective lobby for research funding and national science policy.

The US Department of Justice initiated an investigation in 1989, and in 1991 filed an antitrust lawsuit against MIT, eight Ivy League colleges, and eleven other agencies for allegedly involved in pricing during their annual "Overlapping Meeting" held to prevent a bidding war of promising prospective students from consuming funds for a need-based scholarship. While Ivy League institutions settled, MIT fought the indictment, arguing that the practice was not anti-competitive as it ensured the availability of assistance for the greatest number of students. MIT finally won when the Justice Department dropped the case in 1994.

MIT's closeness to Harvard University ("another school over the river") has led to a large number of research collaborations such as the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology and the Broad Institute. In addition, students in two schools may cross-enroll for credit to their own school level at no additional cost. The cross-registration program between MIT and Wellesley College has also been in existence since 1969, and in 2002 Cambridge-MIT Institute launched a graduate exchange program between MIT and Cambridge University. MIT has a simpler cross-registration program with Boston University, Brandeis University, Tufts University, Massachusetts College of Art and the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

MIT maintains a substantial research and faculty relationship with independent research organizations in the Boston area, such as the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Ongoing international research and collaborative education includes the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS Institute), the Singapore-MIT Alliance, the MIT-Politecnico di Milano, the MIT-Zaragoza International Logistics Program, and projects in other countries through MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives (MISTI) program.

The mass-market magazine Technology Review was published by MIT through a subsidiary, such as a special edition that also serves as an alumni magazine. The MIT Press is a major university press, publishing more than 200 books and 30 journals annually, emphasizing science and technology and art, architecture, new media, current events, and social issues.

Libraries, collections, and museums

The MIT library system consists of five subject libraries: Barker (Engineering), Dewey (Economics), Hayden (Humanities and Science), Lewis (Music), and Rotch (Art and Architecture). There are also various libraries and special archives. The library contains over 2.9 million print volumes, 2.4 million microforms, 49,000 prints or electronic journal subscriptions, and 670 reference databases. The last decade has seen an increasing trend of digital focus on print resources in libraries. Famous collections include the Lewis Music Library with an emphasis on 20th and 21st century music and electronic music, the Visual Arts Center's visual art exhibition, and the interdisciplinary exhibit of the Compton Gallery. MIT allocates a budget percentage for all new construction and renovations for the commission and supports a vast collection of public and outdoor art.

The MIT Museum was established in 1971 and collects, preserves, and exhibits significant artifacts to MIT's culture and history. The museum is now involved in significant educational outreach programs for the general public, including the annual Cambridge Science Festival, the first such celebration in the United States. Since 2005, its official mission is, "to engage the public with the science, technology and other areas of MIT scholarship in the best way to serve the nation and the world in the 21st century."


MIT was elected to the Association of American Universities in 1934 and remains a research university with a very high level of research activity; research spending totaled $ 718.2 million in 2009. The federal government is the largest source of sponsored research, with the Department of Health and Human Services giving $ 255.9 million, the Department of Defense $ 97.5 million, the $ 65.8 million Department of Energy, the National Science Foundation $ 61.4 million, and NASA $ 27.4 million. MIT employs about 1300 researchers in addition to faculty. In 2011, MIT faculty and researchers revealed 632 inventions, issued 153 patents, generated $ 85.4 million in cash income, and received $ 69.6 million in royalties. Through programs like the Deshpande Center, MIT faculty make use of their research and inventions into multimillion-dollar commercial ventures.

In electronics, magnetic core memory, radar, single electron transistors, and inertial guidance controls were discovered or substantially developed by MIT researchers. Harold Eugene Edgerton is a pioneer in photography and high-speed sonar. Claude E. Shannon developed many modern information theories and found the application of Boolean logic to the theory of digital circuit design. In the domain of computer science, MIT faculty and researchers make fundamental contributions to cybernetics, artificial intelligence, computer languages, machine learning, robotics, and cryptography. At least nine prize winning prizes and seven Draper Prize recipients in engineering have been or are currently associated with MIT.

Today's and previous physics faculty have won eight Nobel Prizes, four Dirac Medals, and three Wolf Wolves primarily for their contributions to subatomic and quantum theory. Members of the chemistry department have been awarded three Nobel Prizes and one Wolves Prize for the discovery of new syntheses and methods. MIT biologists have been awarded six Nobel Prizes for their contributions to genetics, immunology, oncology, and molecular biology. Professor Eric Lander is one of the leaders of the Human Genome Project. Positronium atoms, synthetic penicillins, synthetic replica molecules, and genetic bases for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (also known as ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease) and Huntington's disease were first discovered at MIT. Jerome Lettvin changed the study of cognitive science with his paper "What the frog eyes see in the frog brain". Researchers developed a system to convert MRI scans into 3D print physical models.

In the field of humanities, arts, and social sciences, MIT economists have been awarded five Nobel Prizes and nine John Bates Clark medals. Linguists Noam Chomsky and Morris Halle wrote seminal texts on generative grammar and phonology. The MIT Media Lab, founded in 1985 in the School of Architecture and Planning and known for its unconventional research, has been home to influential researchers such as constructivist educators and the creator of Logo Seymour Papert.

Covering many of the above areas, MacArthur Fellowships (called "Genius Grants") have been awarded to 38 people associated with MIT. Four Pulitzer Prize-winning authors are currently working in or have retired from MIT. The four current or former faculty are members of the American Academy of Art and Literature.

Allegations of misconduct or irregularities have received substantial press coverage. Professor David Baltimore, a Laureate Nobel, became involved in an investigation of the offense that began in 1986 that led to the Congressional hearing in 1991. Professor Ted Postol has accused the MIT government since 2000 of attempting to cover up the potential for research errors at the Lincoln Lab facility involving ballistics testing missile defense, although the final investigation on this issue has not been completed. Associate Professor Luk Van Parijs was dismissed in 2005 following allegations of scientific misconduct and was found guilty by the US Office of Research Integrity in 2009.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Degree Programs - Collegepond
src: www.collegepond.com

Discover and innovation

Nature Sciences

  • Oncogene - Robert Weinberg finds the genetic basis of human cancer.
  • Inverted transcription - independently isolated David Baltimore, in 1970 at MIT, two tumor RNA tumors: R-MLV and RSV again.

Computer science and applied

  • Akamai Technology - Daniel Lewin and Tom Leighton discover and develop faster content delivery networks and are one of the largest distributed computing platforms in the world, responsible for servicing 15 to 30 percent of all web traffic.
  • Cryptography - MIT researchers Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman developed one of the first practical public key cryptosystems and started the RSA (cryptosystem) company.
  • Electronic ink - developed by Joseph Jacobson at MIT Media Lab.
  • Emacs (text editor) - development began in the 1970s at MIT AI Lab.
  • Flight recorder (black box) - Charles Stark Draper develops a black box at the MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. The lab then made the Apollo Moon Landing possible through Apollo Guidance Computer designed for NASA.
  • The GNU Project - Richard Stallman officially established the free software movement in 1983 by launching the GNU Project at MIT.
  • Lisp (programming language) - John McCarthy created the lisp in 1958 when he was at (MIT). McCarthy published his design in a paper in ACM Communications in 1960, entitled "The Recursive Function of Their Symbolic Expression and Computation by Machine, Part I".
  • Lithium-ion battery efficiency - however-Ming Chiang and his group at MIT showed substantial improvement in lithium battery performance by increasing the conductivity of the material by doping with aluminum, niobium and zirconium.
  • MIT OpenCourseWare - the OpenCourseWare movement began in 1999 when the University of TÃÆ'¼bingen in Germany published an online lecture video for timms initiative (TÃÆ'¼binger Internet Multimedia Server). However, the OCW movement only began, with the launch of MIT OpenCourseWare and the Open Learning Initiative at Carnegie Mellon University in October 2002. This movement was soon reinforced by the launch of similar projects at Yale, Utah State University, the University of Michigan and the University of California Berkeley.
  • Perdix micro-drone - an autonomous drone that uses artificial intelligence to cluster with many other Perdix drones.
  • The MAC project - innovative research in operating systems, artificial intelligence, and computational theory. DARPA-funded project.
  • Radar - developed at the MIT Radiation Laboratory during World War II.
  • SKETCHPAD - discovered by Ivan Sutherland as his thesis for PhD at MIT. It pioneered the road for human-computer interaction (HCI). Sketchpad is considered the ancestor of modern computer-aided design (CAD) programs as well as major breakthroughs in the development of computer graphics in general.
  • VisiCalc - is the first spreadsheet computer program for personal computers, originally released for Apple II by VisiCorp. MIT Alum And Bricklin and Bob Frankston rented night time sharing on the MIT mainframe computer (which costs $ 1/hour to use).
  • The World Wide Web Consortium - founded in 1994 by Tim Berners-Lee, (W3C) is the premier international standards organization for the World Wide Web

Enterprise and entrepreneurship

MIT alumni and faculty have established many companies, some of which are shown below.

  • Bose Corporation, 1964, founder of Amar Bose (B.S., PhD).
  • Buzzfeed, 2006, co-founder Jonah Peretti (M.S).
  • Dropbox, 2007, founder of Drew Houston (B.S) and Arash Ferdowsi (breakup).
  • E * Trade, 1982, co-founder William A. Porter (M.B.A).
  • Hewlett-Packard, 1939, co-founder William R. Hewlett (M.S).
  • HuffPost, 2005, co-founder Jonah Peretti (M.S).
  • Intel, 1968, co-founder Robert Noyce (PhD).
  • Koch Industries, 1940, founder of Fred C. Koch (B.S).
  • Qualcomm, 1985, co-founder Irwin M. Jacobs (M.S., PhD) and Andrew Viterbi (B.S, M.S).
  • Raytheon, 1922, co-founder of Vannevar Bush (Professor).
  • Renaissance Technologies, 1982, founder of James Simons (B.S).
  • TSMC, 1987, founder of Morris Chang (B.S., M.S).
  • VMware, 1998, co-founder Diane Greene (M.S).
  • Zipcar, 2000, co-founder of Robin Chase (M.B.A).

Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com

Student traditions and activities

Faculty and student bodies place a high value on meritocracy and technical ability. MIT never grants honorary degrees, nor does it provide an athletic scholarship, a bachelor's degree, or a Latin honor upon graduation. However, MIT has twice earned honorary professorship: to Winston Churchill in 1949 and Salman Rushdie in 1993.

Many high school students and alumni wear a large, heavy, and distinctive class ring known as the "Rat Brass". Originally created in 1929, the official name of the ring is "The Ring of Technology Standards." The design of the undergraduate ring (a separate graduate student version is also there) is slightly different from year to year to reflect the unique character of the MIT experience for that class, but always has a three-part design, with MIT seals and year-class each appearing on a separate face , flanking a large rectangular frame with a picture of a beaver. IHTFP initialization, representing the informal school slogan "I Hate This Fucking Place" and ridiculed subtly such as "I Have Truly Found Paradise," "The Institute Has The Best Professor," "Difficult to Master," and other variations, over the ring given its historical advantage in student culture.


MIT has more than 500 recognized student activity groups, including campus radio stations, Tech Student newspapers, annual entrepreneurial competitions, and weekly popular screenings by the Lecture Series Committee. Less traditional activities include the world's largest "open science fiction collection" in English, a model train, and a vibrant folk dance scene. Students, faculty, and staff are involved in over 50 educational and public service outreach programs through the MIT Museum, Edgerton Center, and MIT Public Service Center.

The Independent Activity Period is a four-week "term" that offers hundreds of optional classes, lectures, demonstrations, and other activities throughout January between the Fall and Spring semesters. Some of the most popular recurring IAP activities are Autonomous Robot Design (courses 6.270), Robocraft Programming (6.370), and MasLab competition, annual "mystery hunt" and Charm School. Over 250 students pursue externships each year in companies in the US and abroad.

Many MIT students are also involved in "hacking", which includes physical exploration of generally forbidden areas (such as roofs and steam tunnels), as well as complex practical jokes. Recent high profile hacks include the abduction of Caltech cannons, reconstructing the Wright Flyer over the Great Dome, and adorned the statue of John Harvard with MjÃÆ'¶lnir Helmet Master Chief.


MIT sponsors 31 university sports and has one of the three largest NCAA Division III athletics programs. Ã, MIT participates in the NCAA Division III, Women's New England Conference and Athletic Men, New England Football Conference, Division I NCAA Association of Eastern Women Rowing Colleges (EAWRC) for women crew, and Association of Water Polo Collegiate (CWPA) for Male Water Polo. Male crews competed outside the NCAA at the Eastern Association of Rowing Colleges (EARC). In April 2009, budget cuts caused MIT to eliminate eight of 41 sports, including a mixed team of men and women in alpine skiing and pistols; separate teams for men and women in ice and gym hockey; and men's programs in golf and wrestling.

Photos: Massachusetts Of Technology, - HUMAN ANATOMY CHART
src: anatomybody-charts.co



MIT enrolled 4,384 students and 6,510 graduate students in 2011-2012. Women constitute 45 percent of undergraduates. Undergraduate and graduate students come from 50 US states as well as from.

MIT received 17,909 applications for admission to the 2015 Graduate Class: it claimed 1,742 (9.7 percent) and registered 1,128 (64.8 percent). 19,446 applications accepted for postgraduate and advanced degree programs in all departments; 2,991 received (15.4 percent) and 1,880 registered (62.8 percent).

The interquartile range of SATs is 2090-2340 and 97 percent of students are in the top ten of their high school graduation class. 97 percent of Class 2012 returns as a second year; 82 percent of Grade 2007 graduated in 4 years, and 93 percent (91 percent of men and 95 percent of women) graduated in 6 years.

Tuition and tuition a total of $ 40,732 per student and an estimated annual fee of $ 52,507 in 2012. 62 percent of students receive need-based financial assistance in the form of scholarships and grants from federal, state, institutional, and external sources averaging $ 38,964 per students. Students were awarded a total of $ 102 million in scholarships and grants, mainly from institutional support ($ 84 million). The annual increase in cost has led to student traditions (dating back to the 1960s) of the tongue-in-cheek tuition "disorder."

MIT has been nominally co-educated since recognizing Ellen Swallow Richards in 1870. Richards is also the first female member of the MIT faculty, specializing in sanitary chemistry. Female students remained a minority before the completion of the first wing of female dormitories, McCormick Hall, in 1963. Between 1993 and 2009 the proportion of women increased from 34 percent to 45 percent of students and from 20 percent to 31 percent of graduate students. Women currently outnumber men in Biology, Brain & amp; Cognitive Science, Architecture, Urban Planning and Biological Engineering.

A number of student deaths in the late 1990s and early 2000s resulted in considerable media attention focusing on the culture and life of MIT students. After Scott Krueger's alcohol-related death in September 1997 as a new member at the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity, MIT began requiring all new students to stay in the dorm system. The 2000 suicide MIT scholar Elizabeth Shin drew attention to suicide at MIT and created controversy over whether MIT has a very high suicide rate. At the end of 2001 improvements recommended by the task force on student mental health services were implemented, including expanding staff and hours of operation at mental health centers. These and subsequent cases are also significant as they seek to prove the negligence and responsibility of the university administrators at loco parentis.

Faculty and staff

In 2013, MIT has 1,030 faculty members, of whom 225 are women. The faculty is responsible for teaching the class, advising graduate students and undergraduates, and sitting on academic committees, as well as conducting original research. Between 1964 and 2009, a total of seventeen teaching staff and staff members affiliated with MIT were awarded the Nobel Prize (thirteen in the last 25 years). MIT faculty members used to or have now won a total of twenty-seven Nobel Prizes, a majority in Economics or Physics. In October 2013, there are 67 Guggenheim Fellows, 6 Fulbright Scholars, and 22 MacArthur Fellows among the current faculty and faculty. Faculty members who have made outstanding contributions to their field of research as well as the MIT community are given the promise of a Professor Institute for the remainder of their term.

A 1998 MIT study concluded that systemic bias against women's faculty existed in the School of Science, although the research method was controversial. Because of this research, though, women have led departments within the School of Science and Engineering, and MIT has appointed several female vice presidents, despite allegations of sexism continuing. Susan Hockfield, a molecular neurobiologist, was president of MIT from 2004 to 2012 and was the first woman to hold the post.

The results of the landing have catapulted MIT into the national spotlight on several occasions. The 1984 sacking of David F. Noble, a technology historian, became the cause of the ca © lÃÆ'¨bre about the extent to which academics were given free speech after he published several books and critical papers on MIT and the reliance of other research universities on financial support from companies and the military. Former material science professor Gretchen Kalonji sued MIT in 1994 on allegations that he was denied ownership for sexual discrimination. Several years later, the lawsuit was settled with an undisclosed payment, and the formation of a project to encourage women and minorities to seek faculty positions. In 1997, the Massachusetts Commission on Discrimination issued a possible cause for the findings in favor of Boston PSA discrimination allegations Professor James Jennings after a senior faculty seeking committee in the Urban Planning and Studies Department did not offer a reciprocal position.

In 2006-2007, MIT's rejection of tenurial to African-American stem cell scientist James Sherley rekindled accusations of racism in the process of mastery, leading eventually to a protracted public strife with the government, a brief hunger strike, and the resignation of Professor Frank L. Douglas in protest. The Boston Globe reported on February 6, 2007: "Less than half of MIT junior faculty members were granted property rights.After Sherley was initially denied ownership, his case was examined three times before the university determined that no racial discrimination or conflict of interest affected Twenty one of Sherley's colleagues later issued a statement saying that the professor was treated fairly in the ownership review. "

MIT faculty members are often recruited to lead other colleges and universities. Founding faculty member Charles W. Eliot was recruited in 1869 to become president of Harvard University, a post he will hold for 40 years, where he holds a major influence on higher education and secondary education. MIT alumnus and faculty George Ellery Hale play a central role in the development of the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), and other faculty members have been the main founders of the Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering in Needham, Massachusetts.

In 2014, former provost Robert A. Brown is president of Boston University; former provost Mark Wrighton is the chancellor of the University of Washington at St. Louis; former associate provost Alice Gast is president of Lehigh University; and former professor Suh Nam-pyo is the president of KAIST. Former dean of the School of Science Robert J. Birgeneau is chancellor of the University of California, Berkeley (2004-2013); former professor John Maeda is president of the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD, 2008-2013); former professor David Baltimore was president of Caltech (1997-2006); and MIT alumnus and former assistant professor Hans Mark served as chancellor of the University of Texas system (1984-1992).

In addition, faculty members have been recruited to lead government agencies; for example, former professor Marcia McNutt is president of the National Academy of Sciences, urban studies professor Xavier de Souza Briggs is currently associate director of the Office of Management and Budget of the White House, and professor of biology Eric Lander is co-chair of the Presidential Advisory Council on Science and Technology. In 2013, faculty member Ernest Moniz was nominated by President Obama and later confirmed as United States Energy Secretary. Former professor Hans Mark served as Air Force Secretary from 1979 to 1981. Alumna and the Institute Professor Sheila Widnall served as Secretary of the Air Force between 1993 and 1997, making him the first female Air Force Secretary and the first woman to lead all US military branches in the Department of Defense.

In 2017, MIT is the second largest company in the city of Cambridge. Based on employee feedback, MIT ranked # 7 as a workplace, among US colleges and universities in March 2013. The survey mentions "smart", "creative", "friendly" environments, noting that the balance of working life is tilted toward " strong work ethic "but complained about" low pay "compared to industry position.

Famous Alumni

Many of MIT's more than 120,000 alumni have been quite successful in scientific research, public service, education, and business. In 2014, 27 MIT alumni have won the Nobel Prize, 47 have been selected as Rhodes Scholars, and 61 have been selected as Marshall Scholars.

Alumni in American politics and public services include former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, former MA-1 Representative John Olver, former CA-13 Representative Pete Stark, former chairman of the National Economic Council Lawrence H. Summers, and former chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors Christina Romer. MIT Alumni in international politics include Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Colombian President Virgilio Barco Vargas, European Central Bank President Mario Draghi, former Reserve Bank Governor Raghuram Rajan, former British Foreign Minister David Miliband, former Greek Prime Minister Lucas Papademos, former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, former Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Ahmed Chalabi, former Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Yahya Muhaimin, former Minister of Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research & former Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of Jordan, Khaled Toukan. Alumni in sport has included Olympic fencing champion Johan Harmenberg.

MIT Alumni founded or established many famous companies, such as Intel, McDonnell Douglas, Texas Instruments, 3Com, Qualcomm, Bose, Raytheon, Apotex, Koch Industries, Rockwell International, Genentech, Dropbox, and Campbell Soup. According to the British newspaper, The Guardian , a live MIT alumni survey found that they have formed 25,800 companies, employing over three million people including about a quarter of Silicon Valley's workforce. collectively generating global revenues of about $ 1.9 trillion (Ã, Â £ 1.2 trillion) a year. If MIT is a country, it will have the 11th highest GDP from any country in the world. "

Leading educational institutions have been led by MIT alumni, including the University of California, Harvard University, New York Institute of Technology, Johns Hopkins University, Carnegie Mellon University, Tufts University, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rhode Island Design School (RISD), Northeastern University, University Science Management Lahore, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, TecnolÃÆ'³gico de Monterrey, Purdue University, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, KAIST, and University

Source of the article : Wikipedia
