Video Integrated management
Integrated management definitions
Integrated management is a socially defined concept that is interpreted and understood in various ways. It is however widely accepted as a recognition of "nonlinear processes and connectivity between problems" in the managerial context. Integrated management has been defined as including "effective direction of every aspect of the organization so that the needs and expectations of all stakeholders are fairly met by the best use of all resources". The characteristics of integrated management are consensus-based decision making, seeking optimal efficiency and coexistence of uniformity and diversity within the system. This type of management is holistic and interdisciplinary in its approach to balance the potential for profit and loss.
"Integrated management faces tension from different perspectives on values ââto formulate and implement a strategy that goes beyond accepting a trade-off.This means ensuring coherence between business functions as well as harmony between organizations, communities, and the natural environment."
"Integrated management not only combines individual and group efforts in a unified way, but also unites these efforts into a larger coherent whole."
Maps Integrated management
Integrated management within the organization
Management can be an individual, as well as a collective activity, and is generally viewed as an organizational phenomenon. Integrated management promotes a balance between various interconnected spheres: organizations, communities, and the environment.
Integrated management uses new and existing managerial and managerial concepts, while emphasizing systemic processes, stakeholder culture, real-world leadership, and emotional intelligence playing within the organization. In contemporary organizations, this management approach is perceived as a strategy for reconciling complex cross-functional challenges. Integrated practices, as opposed to unilateral special practices, have been shown to foster openness of mind and flexibility in individuals and communities. Integrated management promotes downsizing of traditional organizational silos while encouraging a context-sensitive approach to understanding individuals, systems and organizations.
Integrated management in education
The global challenges that people face as communities and as managers are interrelated. Social, economic, and environmental problems do not exist in a vacuum, nor are they bound to any one discipline or sector. As society evolves and becomes more complex, education organizations and management will need to adapt and offer new modes of learning and managerial knowledge. Therefore, the importance of integrated management education - one that addresses issues from a holistic, interdisciplinary perspective - in contemporary institutions can not be underestimated.
"Throughout the 1990s and early 2000s, the study criticized the lack of a functionally integrated curriculum in higher education, particularly in business and management programs.At the same period, it became increasingly clear that business activity has become dangerously disembedded from social systems and ecologically dependent, and causally related to a range of major social problems - from global climate change and widespread ecological degradation to obesity and financial instability, as a result, whether one considers the relationship between different functional specializations within an organization or the relationship between an organization and different external stakeholders, requirements for managers who can articulate and reconcile issues from multiple perspectives continue to grow. "
Management is a social phenomenon "where art, science, and crafts meet". With this in mind, management education is expected to reflect the creativity, complexity, and multidimensionality of people. Integrated management in education is different from conventional functional management education, as characterized by incorporation: teamwork and team building exercises; real-time processes (such as simulation and role playing); speaker-team teaching and guest speakers; multidisciplinary case studies; service learning projects; fieldwork and experiential learning; as well as international and online collaboration.
In addition, according to research from the Odette School of Business, a holistic and integrated approach to management theory enhances the critical thinking of business students and reduces their materialistic and individualistic tendencies. Marcel_Desautels_Institute_for_Integrated_Management "> Marcel Desautels Institute for Integrated Management