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Senin, 18 Juni 2018

Hull House - Wikipedia
src: upload.wikimedia.org

Hull House is a settlement home in the United States founded in 1889 by Jane Addams and Ellen Gates Starr. Located on the Near West Side of Chicago, Illinois, Hull House (named after the first owner of the original house of Charles Jerald Hull) opened for newly arrived European immigrants. By 1911, Hull House had grown to 13 buildings. In 1912, the Hull House complex was supplemented by the addition of a summer camp, Bowen Country Club. With an innovative social, educational, and artistic program, Hull House became the standard bearer for the growing movement, in 1920, to nearly 500 residential homes nationwide.

Most of the Hull House buildings were destroyed for the construction of the University of Illinois-Circle Campus in the mid-1960s. Hull's house and several subsequent acquisitions continue to be renovated to accommodate the changing demands of the association. The original building and one additional building (which has been moved as far as 200 yards (182.9 m)) survive today. On June 12, 1974, the Hull House building was designated as the Chicago Landmark. On June 23, 1965, it was designated as the US National Historic Landmark. On 15 October 1966, the day that the 1966 National History Conservation Act came into effect, it was listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Hull House is one of the four original registered members in Chicago listed Historic Sites and lists of National Historic Places (along with Chicago Pile-1, Robie House & Lorado Taft Midway Studios). The Hull House Association ceased operations in January 2012, but Hull's house and the dining room remain open as a museum.

Video Hull House


Addams follows the example of Toynbee Hall, founded in 1884 in the East End of London as a center of social reform. He describes Toynbee Hall as "a university male community" who, while living there, holds leisure clubs and social gatherings in residential homes among the poor and with the same style they would do in their own circles. Addams and Starr founded Hull House as a settlement house on 18 September 1889.

In the nineteenth century the women's movement began promoting education, autonomy, and entry into traditionally male-dominated jobs for women. Women-led organizations, bound by fraternities, are formed for social reform, including housing in working class and poor neighborhoods, such as Hull House. To develop a "new role for women, the first generation of New Women establish their mother's traditional ways to the heart of their brave new world Social activists, often singular, are led by an educated New Women.

Hull House became, at its inception in 1889, "a community of university women" whose primary purpose was to provide social and educational opportunities for working class people (many of whom were recent European immigrants) in the neighborhood. "Residents" (volunteers in Hull given this title) hold classes in literature, history, art, domestic activities (such as sewing), and many other subjects. Hull House also holds free concerts for everyone, offers free talks on current issues, and clubs operated for children and adults.

In 1892, Addams published his thoughts on what has been described as the "three R" of the settlement house movement: residence, research, and reform. It involves "close cooperation with the surrounding community, scientific studies on causes of poverty and dependence, communication of these facts to the public, and persistent pressure for [legislative and social] reform..." Hull House conducted a careful study of the Community West Side, Chicago, later known as "The Hull House Neighborhood". These studies enable residents of Hull House to cope with formation, ultimately partnering with them in the design and implementation of programs aimed at increasing and increasing chances for success by most immigrant residents.

According to Christie and Gauvreau (2001), while Christian residence houses seeking Christianization, Jane Addams, "has become an example of the power of secular humanism." However, his shadow was "recreated" by Christian churches. According to Jane Addams Hull-House Museum, "Some social settlements are linked to religious institutions, others, such as Hull-House [founded by Addams], are secular."

Maps Hull House

Hull House environment

One of the first newspaper articles ever written about Hull House cites the following invitations sent to residents in the Hull House neighborhood. It starts with: " Mio Carissimo Amico "... and signed, Le Signorine , Jane Addams and Ellen Starr. The invitation to the public, written during the first year of the existence of Hull House, shows that the essence of what was dubbed Addams "The Hull House Neighborhood" at that time was remarkable. "10,000 Italians live between rivers and Halsted Street."

Overall, the Chicago's Near West Side neighborhood is a mixture of various ethnic groups that immigrated to Chicago. There is no racial discrimination, language, belief, or tradition for those who enter the door of Hull House. Everyone is treated with respect. The Bethlehem-Howard Center Environmental record proves that, "Germany and the Jews live south of the core (south of the twelve roads)... The Greek Delta formed by Harrison, Halsted and the Blue Island Streets serves as a buffer for the Irish south and Canada-France to the northwest. From the river at the eastern end, at the western end of what came to be known as "Little Italy", from Roosevelt Road in the south to the delta of Harrison Street in the north, became a port-of-call for Italy continued to immigrate to Chicago from the southern coast of Italy until the quota system was implemented in 1924 for much of southern Europe.

The residents of Greektown and Maxwell Street, along with the remains of other immigrant groups living on the outskirts of Hull House Neighborhood, disappeared long before Hull House's physical death. The exodus of most ethnic groups began shortly after the turn of the 20th century. Their business, e.g. Greektown and Maxwell Street, however, remain. Italian Americans are the only immigrant group that survives as a living and growing community. The community came to be known as "Little Italy". Little Italy Taylor Street, at the core of Addams's "Added House Neighborhood", remains as a laboratory where social and philanthropic groups of Hull House's elite have tested their theories and formulated their challenges to formation.

Synergy between Little Italy Taylor and the Hull House complex; namely, the residential home and its summer camp, the Bowen Country Club, is well documented. Alice Hamilton, a medical professional and an early member of the elite Hull House hierarchy, writes in her autobiography, "The Italian women know what babies need, much better than my professors in Ann Arbor do." The additional literature between, among and about the sociologist and philanthropic sociologist members of Hull House is full of such comments, strengthening the existing connection between Little Italy and Hull House on Taylor Street. A review of the ethnic composition of those who register and utilize the services provided by the Hull House complex, for 74 years as a renter on the south-west side, shows ethnic bias. Of the 257 known World War II veterans who are alumni of the Bowen Country Club, "almost all have vocals at the end of their names... showing their Italian heritage."

A historic photo, "Meet the Hull House Kids," was taken on a summer day in 1924 by Wallace K. Kirkland Sr., Hull House Director. He later became the top photographer with Life . Twenty Hull House Kids are mistakenly portrayed as a young boy, of Irish descent, posing on the grounds of Dante's School on Forquer Street (now Arthington Street). It circulates the world as a "poster child" for Hull House's social experiment. On April 5, 1987, more than half a century later, the Chicago Sun-Times denied the notion that Hull House Boys was an Irish ancestor. Thus, the Sun-Times article lists the names of each young boy. All twenty boys are the first Italian-American generation, all with vocals at the end of their names. "They grow up to be lawyers and mechanics, sewer workers, and truck drivers, candy shop owners, boxers, and mafia bosses."

Due to the solitude of the immigrants for their homeland, Addams began hosting the ethnic nights at Hull House. This includes ethnic food, dancing, music, and maybe a short lecture on an interesting topic. Some themed nights are Italian, Greek, German, Polish, etc. Ellen Gates Starr describes one Italian night as a room packed with people. One of the women present "recited patriotic poetry with extraordinary zeal" and everyone was touched by it.


During the first two decades, along with thousands of immigrants from the surrounding area, Hull House attracted many female residents who later became prominent and influential reformers at various levels. Initially, Addams and Starr offered themselves as call doctors when actual doctors did not appear or were not available. They act as midwives, saving babies from abandonment, preparing the dead for burial, taking care of the sick, and protecting victims of domestic violence. For example, an Italian bride loses her wedding ring and is in turn beaten by her husband for a week. He sought refuge in the settlements and it was given to him. Also, the baby born with the crevice ceiling was not wanted by his mother so he was kept in Hull House for six weeks after the surgery. In other cases, a woman will give birth to an illegitimate baby, so no Irish capital will touch her. Addams and Starr stepped in and ushered the helpless little one. Finally, an Italian female immigrant was so excited about the fresh roses at one of Hull House's receptions that she confirmed that they were coming from Italy. He has never seen anything beautiful in America despite the fact that he lives within ten blocks of a flower shop. His limited view of America came from the unkempt road he lived in and the long struggle to adapt to the American way. The settlement was also gradually withdrawn to advocate for legislative reform at the municipal, state and federal level, addressing issues such as child labor, women's suffrage, health care reform and immigration policies. Some claim that Hull House's work marks the beginning of what we know today as "Social Welfare".

At the neighborhood level, Hull House established the city's first public playground, bathhouse, and public gymnasium (in 1893), pursued educational and political reforms, and investigated housing, employment and sanitation issues. The playground opened on May Day in 1893, located on Polk Street. Families wear party clothes and come to join in the celebration of the day. Addams has studied child behavior and painfully concludes that "children robbed of childhood tend to be boring, sullen and mindless women, or criminals for whom crime adventure is the only way to get out of the gloom of their lives "Addams's thought about the importance of children's play opportunities contributed to a national conversation about the need to play and the movement that started the American Playground Association Also, a volunteer, Jenny Dow, started a kindergarten class for children left in temporary settlements they mothers work in sweat factories. Within three weeks, Dow has 24 registered kindergarten children and 70 people on the waiting list. At the municipal level, their legal reform efforts lead to the first juvenile court in the United States, and their work affects urban planning and transition to the branch library system. At the state level Hull House is influenced by the law on child labor legislation, the provisions of occupational safety and health, compulsory education, immigrant rights, and pension laws. This experience translates into success at the federal level, working with residential home networks to fight for national child labor laws, women's suffrage, children's bureaus, unemployment compensation, workers compensation, and other elements of the Progressive agenda during the first two decades of the century twenty.


Later, the settlement is branched and offers services to improve some of the effects of poverty. General pharmacies provide nutritious food for the sick as well as daycare centers and public baths. Among the courses Hull House offers are book binding courses, which are timely - given job opportunities in the growing printing trade. Hull House is famous for its success in helping American assimilation, especially with immigrant youth. Hull House became the center of the movement to promote handwork as a moral regenerative force. Under the direction of Laura Dainty Pelham, their theater group performed Chicago dramas by John Galsworthy, Henrik Ibsen and George Bernard Shaw, and was honored for establishing the American Little Theater Movement. The success of Hull House led Paul Kellogg to refer to the group as "Great Ladies of Halsted Street".

The purpose of Hull House, as stated in its charter, is: "To provide a higher center of civil and social life, to institutionalize and maintain educational and philanthropic enterprises, and to investigate and improve conditions in Chicago industrial districts."

The Groundbreaking Women of Hull House | WTTW Chicago Public Media ...
src: interactive.wttw.com

Buildings and museums

Hull House is located in Chicago, Illinois, and takes its name from an Italian home built by the real estate king Charles Jerald Hull (1820-1889) at 800 South Halsted Street in 1856. The building is located in a formerly fashionable part. city, but in 1889, when Addams was looking for a location for his experiment, it dropped into squalor. This is partly due to the rapid and extraordinary influx of immigrants into the Near West Side neighborhood. Charles Hull gave his former home to his nephew, Helen Culver, who in turn gave it to Addams with a lease of 25 years free of rent. By 1907, Addams had acquired 13 buildings around the Hull house. Between 1889 and 1935, Addams and Ellen Gates Starr continued to rebuild the building. In 1912, the Bowen Country Club summer camp was added to complement the Hull House complex. The facility remained in its original location until it was purchased in 1963 by what was then called the University of Illinois-Circle Campus. The University of Illinois-Circle Campus development required the demolition of most Hull House buildings and the 1967 restoration to the original building by Frazier, Raftery, Orr and Fairbank removed the addition of the third floor Addams. In addition to the house, from a dozen additional buildings only the craftsman style dining room (built in 1905 and designed by Pool & Swimming) survived and moved 200 yards (182.9 m) from the original site to be next to the big house.

Haunting Hull House

Addams noted after the move that the building had "half the skeptical reputation for a haunted attic." Over the years, many ghost stories and ghosts have surrounded Hull House, making it stop on many "ghost tours in Chicago". Charles Hull's wife had died at home in 1860, and is sometimes considered haunting it. Other candidates for ghost residents include many who died there because of natural causes in the 1870s when used as a home for the elderly by Little Sisters of the Poor.

In 1913, another Hull House ghost story began to circulate. According to this legend, after a man claims that he prefers to have a Devil in his home rather than the image of the Virgin Mary, his son is born with pointy ears, horns, scaly skin, and tail. The mother is said to have brought her baby to Hull House, where Addams is said to have tried to baptize her and eventually lock in the attic. Though initially upset about the story, which has no basis in fact, Addams becomes fascinated by the episode's effects on the old woman in the neighborhood and uses the episode as the basis for her book, Female Memory Length Length .

While so many stories go wrong about the building, Addams is known to have talked to some friends about one of the haunted second-floor front rooms - he and a friend once thought they saw the ghost of "white women" there. , and the same ghost was then seen by a group of girls when the room was used as a dressing room for a nearby theater. Although Addams calls it "haunted," he seems more amused than afraid of it.

Hull House â€
src: cgrendering.files.wordpress.com


Addams felt that the community benefited from theatrical theater and thus founded an amateur theater at Hull House in 1899. "The Greeks around him played the ancient classical drama in their own language and the children of the European immigrants produced Shakespeare" as well as the other. Beginning one December, the Greeks did Odysseus in Chicago . The auditorium is filled with a multi-ethnic crowd and packed too close for comfort. The audience was very excited and gave the players "full attention." They keep an eye on neighbors and co-workers running this primitive game, but it's very powerful, sensible, and personal. The actors seem to pay "an appreciation of a noble ancestor" and a plea to honor the audience. Indeed, they get this respect because it is said that even untrained students can provide the same game with passion and patriotism. Chicago's famous improvised theater scene has roots in Hull House, such as Viola Spolin, noting instructors of improvisational techniques, teaching classes at Hull House. In 1963, when the Broadway touring highway tour became public, the Hull House Theater at the Jane Addams Center at 3212 North Broadway boosted the development of Chicago Theater companies for the rest of the century. Founder Robert Sickinger created an environment to nurture young talents with professionalism.

Hull House - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com

1930 to 2012

Addams was the head of the population until his death in 1935. Hull House continued to serve communities around the Halsted site until it was moved by the campus of the urban branch of the University of Illinois in the 1960s. Until 2012, the role of social service centers was conducted across cities in various locations under the umbrella organization, Jane Addams Hull House Association. The original Hull House building itself is a museum, part of the College of Architecture and the Arts at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and is open to the public.

The Jane Addams Hull House Association is one of Chicago's largest nonprofit social welfare organizations. Its mission is to improve social conditions for underserved communities and communities by providing creative, innovative programs and by advocating for relevant public policy reforms. The Association has more than 50 programs at over 40 sites across Chicago and serves approximately 60,000 individuals, families, and community members annually.

The Jane Addams Hull-House Museum is part of the College of Architecture and the Arts at the University of Illinois at Chicago and serves as a warning to Addams and other social reformers whose work affects the lives of their immigrant neighbors, as well as national and international public policies. The museum and its programs link the occupation of Hull House with important contemporary social issues. The Museum collection includes over 1,100 artifacts related to the history of Hull House and over 100 oral interviews conducted with people who have shared their stories about Hull House and the surrounding environment.

Hull House Association Closure

Because of its great dependence on public support â € "as much as 85 percent of its revenue comes from such sources â €" essentially has become a government arm, unlike what Ms. might recognize Addams today. When Clarence Wood, then head of the Chicago Human Relations Commission, took over in 2000, he promised to move towards a more private fundraising. But the effort appears to have failed to bring in more than a few million dollars in a given year, accounting for less than 10 percent of the agency's funds in most of the last decade, according to financial statements filed with the IRS and Illinois attorney general offices.

On January 19, 2012, it was announced that Jane Addams Hull House Association will close in spring 2012 and file for bankruptcy due to financial difficulties, after almost 122 years. On Friday, January 27, 2012, Hull House closed unexpectedly and all employees received their final salary. Employees who learn at closing that they will not receive severance pay or receive holiday payments or health care coverage. Union officials say that the agency temporarily closes with employees over $ 27,000 in unpaid claims of reimbursement. The University of Illinois at Chicago Addams Hull-House Museum (not affiliated with the agency), however, remains open.

Jane Addams Photograph Exhibit, Imagess of Hull-House, Swarthmore ...
src: www.swarthmore.edu

Selected famous citizen

  • Edith Abbott
  • Grace Abbott
  • Jane Addams
  • Ethel Percy Andrus
  • Viola Spolin
  • Neva Boyd
  • Charlotte Perkins Gilman
  • Sophonisba Breckinridge
  • Edward L Burchard, first male resident
  • Dorothy Detzer
  • Pauline Gibling Schindler
  • Henry Standing Bear
  • Alice Hamilton
  • Florence Kelley
  • Mary Kenney O'Sullivan
  • Julia Lathrop
  • Mary McDowell
  • Ernest Carroll Moore, founder and first provost of UCLA.
  • Frances Perkins
  • Gerard Swope, General Electric Company (1922-1939)
  • Alzina Stevens
  • Cornelia De Bey
  • Eleanor Clarke Slagle, founder of occupational therapy
  • Victor Yarros and Rachelle Yarros
  • Enella Benedict
  • Emily Edwards (de Cantabrana)
  • Willard Motley, author: Tap on Any Door . Residential writer at Hull House, Willard Motley uses Hull House Neighborhood, Little Italy Taylor Street, and its people for its 1949 best-seller setting. Taylor Street Archive

HULL HOUSE: MUSIC SCHOOL. /nMusic school students at Hull House ...
src: c8.alamy.com

Famous Alumni selected

  • Benny Goodman

src: cgrendering.files.wordpress.com

See also

  • Jane Addams Funeral Site
  • John H. Addams
  • John H. Addams Homestead
  • The history of social work
  • Hull House Music School

File:Auditorium and Coffee House at Hull House.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
src: upload.wikimedia.org


Music, games open Hull-House 'Right to Play' exhibit | UIC Today
src: news.uic.edu

External links

  • Around Jalan Maxwell Halsted 1890-1930
  • Jane Addams Hull-House Museum
  • Jane Addams Hull House Association
  • Twenty Years at Hull House , by Jane Addams, New York: The MacMillan Company, 1912 (c.1910) at A Celebration of Women Writers
  • Twenty Years at Hull House , by Jane Addams, MacMillan & amp; Co., 1910, at Project Gutenberg
  • Twenty Years in the Hull House public domain audiobook on LibriVox
  • The Pots of Promise Exhibit
  • Urban Experience In Chicago: Hull House and Its Environment, 1889-1963
  • Hull House Jubilee Articles
  • Taylor Street Archives: UIC: Flawed History
  • Bowen Country Club - a digital image from the UIC Library collection
  • Hull-House Yearbook - digital images from the UIC Library collection
  • Closure of Hull House
  • Staff Interview on Hull House Closure

Source of the article : Wikipedia
